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FaustoF 26-10-2021 04:33 PM

She is worthy, how would you tackle this?
She is worthy, how would you tackle this? (I am Newby)
I am 5'7 (little muscular but average weight + above average status and money and I used to be her boss haha I am maybe a 6-7 or I used to be that score.
She is a 5'9 maybe 8-9, with little effort she is gorgeous... I am a beginner in PUA and RP but I am learning. I have some more girls chasing me but low SMV.
Well, we don't really chat each other but in two opportunities she reacted to my stories and projected interest to have a BBQ or a drink with me, 3 days ago I took the invite, went to her house, had a beer and then took her to a really cool tequila/mezcal place.
We had an amazing first date, only kisses, long ones, and really good flow. (Maybe more tequila than needed) both spoke about having another date and I also told her “Well I like you" and she smiled, she didn't say the same but she implied it. Other issues in the subject are that in 2 months I will move to Canada (currently in Mexico) for 4 months. Actually when we kissed, I told her “The issue with going to Canada is that I can't do this", she replied "what" and I kissed her. Then she replied, well you can still go to Canada.
I texted next day asking how she was and she answered that she enjoyed the date, after that I went to plan the next date but she took 2 days to answer and answered "sorry for not answering I had hangover. I can't right now, next two weeks are too busy" I answered a "good, have fun, later we will talk about scheduling something, have a good week", she answered that with almost the same (“It was an intense weekend, take care”). I felt her kind of avoiding what happened and also cold... (regret? Shit test? Bait?)
I have never dated a girl that above my SMV and I don’t know what to do... maybe the tequilas caused the kisses. Please, recommendations?
Is her coldness a shit test?? what would you do?? I am planning to not appear in the scene again and maybe she will chace or demonstrate interest, In social media I am being Mr. Interesting and it happens to be seen by her (right know she is looking my updates later that 3 days ago but her best friend is also looking which she didn’t)
She had a breakup on May (she was dumped), and I had one on June (dumped also) ... both spoke a little of the situation, she made clear that she is being 1.5 months feeling fine. I told her almost the same and invalidated my ex (she was a 5’7 Venezuelan with good looks maybe +1 my SMV)
I would like to rescue this little advance:2guns::2guns:

kowalski 26-10-2021 06:02 PM

Maybe you were too intense because what you did is highly weird.

First off, don't rate yourself in that way. It doesn't work like that for men. We can be a 10 in one moment and a 0 in the next it viceversa depending on so many factors. You have never looked at a girl and watched her turn from a 10 to a 0 in front of your eyes like shllow hal. That happens to girls when they are observing us all the time.

But main point: you were nobody in your own judgement. You really see your plan to move to Canada as a problem in relation to kissing this person who is no one to you. That's crazy. If you were worth anything in your own estimation, you'd be going to Canada because that's your next move and therefore any girls you are meeting in Mexico are fodder ... potentially they could follow you but otherwise they aren't really in your life but you aren't even thinking about that. She would have probably found that significantly less of an attraction killer than falling all over her.



FaustoF 26-10-2021 09:12 PM

Awesome feedback thanks, well in addition to intense maybe I am too harsh on myself (or low confidence)
True, if I had more options or the right mentality, I would be thinking more in what I will be doing in Canada rather than one good option in Mexico.
To have you right, what was highly weird? and is she backing off because I am leaving and this is something almost dead from the start?
In the right mentality, I should do nothing right?

kowalski 27-10-2021 06:02 AM

This part...

"spoke about having another date and I also told her “Well I like you" and she smiled, she didn't say the same but she implied it. Other issues in the subject are that in 2 months I will move to Canada (currently in Mexico) for 4 months. Actually when we kissed, I told her “The issue with going to Canada is that I can't do this", she replied "what" and I kissed her. Then she replied, well you can still go to Canada."

It's weird telling people that you like them and she responded as if you said "I love you", which you might as well have done.

Then you doubled down with the whole Canada thing which you probably thought was gonna be smooth but it's not it's too much and again her response was basically "I wish you were in Canada now".

And when she says it was an intense weekend she's saying "you are intense, I don't want that near me". Maybe she thought you were fake, maybe she thought this is what he gets like when he's drunk, or maybe she just thought you are a weak guy who doesn't value yourself enough or maybe she means it was intense because she fucked some other guy and now she's all in love with him. Who knows. We can only work with what we have and what we have is the self.

There is no external action to take. You need to work on being a guy with a direction, people can come along with you or not, sometimes there won't be room for anyone else and you'll have to say no to them. Then you won't leak negative signals all the time.



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