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Maxemillion 11-01-2011 09:19 PM

Possibly In Trouble
Hello All. Happy New Year. I had a good xmas and had several good practice conversations with girls I met during the holiday. I'm also looking forward to getting back into Sarging and attending RSD FreeTour2 tomorrow. I am however severely annoyed with myself for developing a one-itis style attachment to my friend and housemates gf who lives with us. This is mainly bcaus I have spent loads of time with her.

Its fucking annoying bcaus its becoming more and more obvious to everyone involved and I'm spending more and more time feeling annoyed about it. I am concerned that A) I'm going to get kicked out B) Something could happen between us and bad times will happen between me and my friend C) Theyll both start pitying me and becoming increasingly smug.

I know the only thing to do is break the oneitis by exposure to more girls but if anyone has had similar times, and has tips for not getting jealous or any stuff like that post now. Its a ridiculous situation bcaus I've been living with them for ages and only recently has my animal brain decided she is a good target. (Without my permission to). Good to be back for a new year of venting and pua antics. Cheers.

Jamm 11-01-2011 10:05 PM

Max u sexy beast how u keepin? Town + Sarge + You + Me = good times. Obviously got a bird now but need to keep the cold approaches going. You need to sort your style out mate. Your confidence is there and had come along since last time I saw you. Do yourself a favour, join a gym, get a tan and get some decent style (clothes etc) and you'll be well in there mate! Infact fuck the gym and the tan - just sort your clothes out honestly.

As for your current situation - I dunno, just wanted to say hello. Suppose i should have pm'd this... :s

Maxemillion 11-01-2011 10:32 PM

Cheers man, I'v got a big grin on my face for that post. lol, the clothes, your input is good, I will wear my best ones next time. You should def come out despite the gf, its all about good times. Theres no pressure to actually close ur sets, infact I fucking never do despite trying to, LOL. I'm getting better I kno. I dont have the motivation to gym it regularly, if i successfully fuck a girl I like, then mayybe I'll find more energy for that stuff. I'll let you kno the next night we go out. nice one.

BCB 12-01-2011 08:17 AM

You fancy your housemates gf? Bad times. That can go nowhere good, honestly.

What you need to do is spend less time with her (presumably at your house, right?) and more time with achieveable conquests. Just get out there and meet some other people. You'll be around her less and filling up that brain space that's currently obsessed with her with some new lovelies. Two birds, one stone

Midas touch 12-01-2011 11:40 AM

now is the time to get a new wardrobe... January sales rock!

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