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scamp 05-01-2011 01:42 PM

Abundance sticking point, a little help?
Hi Guys,

Brief Intro

My name’s Scamp 33 from Sussex. I normally post on another forum but seeing as everyone I sarge with is on this one I thought I’d post on here.

Long story short, I’ve been trying out game since my last LTR broke up a year ago. With varied success and occasional closes of all kinds, but no real consistency.
I mainly got into it through reading Neil Strauss and flirted with his Mystery/Style method.

Most of the Guys I sarge/talk game with have got into RSD stuff, so I’ve recently had a look at some of the Tyler Durden blueprint videos.

I like to keep an open mind and this seems to make sense to me (Good call Stevie!).

This has made me look closer at my “Inner” game

So this year I want to push my game into the next level and I realise I have two sticking points.

1) Approach Anxiety

I am working on this by using my innate stinginess which I have found counterbalances my fear of rejection (just).

I give one of my wings (Dave) a tenner and he only gives it back when I open a valid set.
It seemed to work last night (after a good dig in the ribs from my other wing Smithy!) and I plan to improve this gradually, by giving him two tenners next time we go sarging and then three the next time etc etc

2) Abundance

Now this is what my question is about.
I get the theory and I can see why it works

“Blokes who have loads of women and are getting loads of sex are more attractive to women”

I’ve seen this in my own experience when in relationships and “Unattainable”

And I realise my barren periods coincide with the periods when I’m feeling lonely and generally horny, in short I really WANT to pull and this obviously translates to women. Neediness.

(To quote “The Tao of Steve”, “A woman can spell an agenda like shit on a shoe”)

The question is

“How do you give off the vibe of abundance / indifference when you AREN’T getting any?”

I mean the biological urge is pretty frickin strong, how do you just “not give a shit”?

Appreciate any suggestions



scamp 05-01-2011 03:18 PM

Kowalski, top point.

So the mindset is

"I don't need to f#ck you as there are another 3 round the corner"

So Girls have no power over me


(and I hate to be a whiney arse, but i want to get this straight in my mind)

If you AREN'T f#cking this girl or the three round the corner

You still aren't getting any loving, and I can only speak for myself but

No loving = Very Grouchy Scamp

And after a drought, you get thirstier and thirstier.

How do you curb the ol' Sexy drive?

Lowering standards to "keep in the saddle"?
Zen meditation?
Completely remove the connection between Pickup and sex?

Anyone got any thoughts?


Phil 09-01-2011 01:04 PM

all u need to do mate is this

stop looking at meetings with girls as... Will she sleep with me!!!

and think this...

Ok is she worth sleepin with ?? its not her choice its yours! its not an interaction to try & get laid, its to see if she is worth sleeping with.. or seeing again.

If your in control in your mind.. then ur in control. And dont be scared to say, "im not just gonna jump into bed with sumone i dont think is worth it...." if they get their back up FUCK THEM, move on

scamp 09-01-2011 07:48 PM


Spot on.

Nuff said


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