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Snake Eyes 17-10-2010 06:04 PM

Day 2s/Dates
Whatever you want to call them, what do you like to do?

My plan is usually couple of drinks, have fun, pull, taxi!

I sometimes go to gigs or a bar with something going on too. If they are new to London I like to give little tours as well. Occasionally, I will grab I bite to eat if I am hungry.

I am very wary that the better I get at this the more this is going to cost me in both money and health!! Those of you into your women juggling - how do you keep costs down? Do you ever just invite a girl round to yours you have just met?

The Comedian 18-10-2010 01:45 AM

I get them back to mine on the same night more times than not, if I have to do the date thing then I usualy just go for a couple drinks, but while doing this I make sure to only buy my own drinks, she can take care of hers. Or mine if she is generous. To many girls expect to get all there stuff bought for them on dates, its good to remind them its not the 50's anyore

Snake Eyes 18-10-2010 06:40 PM

Thanks, does this include random day game number closes i.e. not girls you meet in a club/bar?
For example say you got a number from a girl you met on the street or in a shop, who you had about 5-10 minutes interaction with, what do you say to get her round when you call her?

monkeybuster 19-10-2010 04:31 PM

To answer the 'keeping cost down' question. I always play the 'treat me!' card; Get them to take you out! Doesn't always work but it will at least stops women expecting to be taken out and paid for... you can say... "Hmmm alright then, we'll go halfs' ... still to this day have avoided paying for the whole lot.

Also... as cheap as it sounds... I manage to get to places that don't cost much... bars mainly.

Snake Eyes 19-10-2010 05:26 PM

Seems like you guys are similar to what I do - good!!

Yeah I never pay whole hog now, that is silly! I used to go to real plush places to try to impress, but it was just pointless and not in line with my personality. I remember 1 time I took this girl on a 1st date to some fancy restaurant in Notting hill. I was a student. It was ridiculous!! We went on 1 more date after that and nothing more! So AFC haha!

Ok next question regarding Day 2's. I think I know what I'm going to do, but would be interested in your opinion to see if it agrees:

A girl I have been on 1 date with has invited me to her B'Day this Saturday. We have spent less than 5 hours together. We haven't even kissed (I know this annoyed me too!) Should I go?

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