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intrigue 10-10-2010 06:48 PM

The Rules of Seduction
i'd like to see the viewing figures from this show. becasue if it was popular this could mean hard times for anyone using canned stuff lol

VauDevil 10-10-2010 06:58 PM

Prolly low,so those cans won't seem so rusty.

CovertOperation 11-10-2010 12:21 AM

I don't see how millions of guys are going to see this show and instantly start doing it. Surely if there's anything this forum goes to prove, its that learning the art of picking up women isn't something that can be learned overnight, or from reading a few books, or watching a few DVDs. For all of us there are long nights out there, trying desperately to talk to girls, getting knocked back, failing, but still coming back for more.

Anyone who watches this programme and wants to enter the world of pick up is more than welcome to do so as far as I'm concerned - in my time here, there has been no one person who has been with me from start to finish. People seem to drop in and drop out of it (myself included, it seems). I don't see any great threat.

Nb, the title of the programme is itself misleading. There are no 'rules' in seduction. A rule is something concrete, something black and white, something which always applies. Pick up is more about broad principles than precise rules. There is less black and white here, and more shades of grey.

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