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prometheuz 14-06-2019 10:37 AM

What to do that a person likes you?
Hi folks,

i have problems in social situations. I am questioning myself what to do that a person likes you? Mirroring? I would be happy if you can help me and provide me catchy answers. Thanks a lot.

rich9000 14-06-2019 01:09 PM

If a person likes you and attraction is already there for you, they should be asking you questions and trying to demonstrate their value to you. Try to answer their questions but do not keep waffling on answering logically as it will break down the tension. I would try to build some compliance by asking them some brief questions about themselves or yes ladders, then eventually questions like 'you're obviously very pretty, but beauty is very common, what are your 3 best qualities' which requires a high level of compliance on her part. If she answers any questions then you should give her IOIs/reward her. Try to fractionate as well, so like maybe you don't reward her once when she is showing her value/responding to you, body rock and seem distracted or something, she will work even for you. Another fractionation technique is to get her to tell you about positive experiences she's had, and then negative experiences she's had.
You can also tell them about positive experiences you've had, then negative in quick succession which builds a high level of intimacy and is emotionally addictive.

rich9000 14-06-2019 01:11 PM

PS maybe don't even answer their questions at all if they're hooked to you strong, the tension can only increase if you've already shown high enough value earlier in the interaction

prometheuz 14-06-2019 01:47 PM

Thank you. Okay we have compliance and IOIs (operant conditioning).
But why do you think answering logically will break down the tension? What would be your alternative to answering logically?!

I think emotions are very important in social interactions but I donīt understand why you think your last point: "You can also tell them about positive experiences you've had, then negative in quick succession" evokes emotional addictiveness??

rich9000 14-06-2019 04:26 PM

I would just like to say my answers are merely interpretation of a schema that can be implemented in the real world and should be considered neither correct or incorrect, and possible even horse shite.

Really though you can answer her questions but just keep your answers brief or non existent because you should be letting her fill in the gaps and keeps her demonstrating value (qualifying herself) to you, rewarding her each time or most times unless she is morbidly obese. High value people won't act overly enthusiastic when they find commonalities such as hobbies or interests and start mirroring the other person, because it's rapport seeking and low value behavior. If you keep answering her questions you are qualifying yourself by jumping through her compliance loops. Really you should be the one asking the questions, making statements about your interests or putting in little effort and the girl is qualify herself in to your frame.

I suppose addictive may have been an overstatement but by telling the girl about positive and negative experiences you've had it will create as strong sense of intimacy.

I guess the Mystery bait hook reel release model is a far better example of creating emotional addictiveness by getting her to jump through your compliance loop and then giving an IOI followed by an IOD quickly. You can also use conversation strategies were the girl is expecting a negative statement from you but then you give her an IOI.

rich9000 14-06-2019 05:02 PM

When she asks you questions keep answers short, funny, witty, be mysterious.. enigmatic

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