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toto_man 07-04-2019 12:45 AM

New girl in dorm - approached, opened, talked, touched, what to do now
I live in a basic student dorm in a major city. The dorm has a fluctuating population of students, most staying for 6 to 10 weeks. I have been living here 2 weeks and will be around for another 6 months.

4 days back, an attractive 8/10 girl, doing a bachelors in Berlin, moved into the dorm. I approached her during the breakfast served in the morning - and got introductions and basic small talk going at the coffee machine. However, I didn't sit with her and let her be by herself at one of the tables.

She doesn't quite know anyone else yet, and so she started seeking me out at dinner and breakfast on subsequent occasions, and that led to us talking and exchanging some details. I made it a point to share some details of other German girls, and introduced here to a few other people in the dorm who I am somewhat friendly with, and eat along with.

She has shown some eagerness to sit with me and chat a bit over meals, but only a mild interest in trying to get to know me better.
So, while I have access to her, it seems like she is just using me as a social crutch to ride out her 2 months here.
The goal is to convert this access into a full blown seduction.

I have now started taking the initial steps of a seduction routine - touching her spontaneously, for a brief second or two, in a non sexual way, testing her reaction to my touch. I have done this 4-5 times now, and she has neither flinched, nor objected to the touching.

I have casually suggested to her that she can join "our group" for a dinner or coffee outing, but she has not yet accepted.

I have been finding ways to show 'value' - in terms of status, knowledge of the city, access to interesting stuff to do, knowledge of her country/city, and she has been noting all of these details, but without betraying any interest.

I need advice on what to do next.

Other useful info -----
there is a second girl at the dorm, who is showing strong interest me at this time - wants to know about my family, my city, my studies etc and has taken the initiative to plan a couple of outings with me, link me on social media etc.
There is a third girl at the dorm who has more than a mild interest in getting to know me better, finding more about my family, my background and my tastes. She hovers around me at meal times, but is shy otherwise.
There is a fourth girl at the dorm, who is very strongly attracted to me, and that has caused me to push her away a bit - so she's always making conversation with me and trying to do more, but I have asked her to maintain some distance and give me space.

dan300 07-04-2019 03:35 PM

The advice on what to do next is..

Go for one or all three of the other girls.

Yes it's human psychology to want the unattainable more than the easily attainable, but in most cases when it comes to situations like this, most men won't have 3 other girls showing interest in him.

Don't be silly, start interacting more with the others. It's likely that the one you're chasing will begin to show more of an interest in you.

And if she doesn't, so what, you'll be having fun with one of these other girls.

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