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Cefai 16-05-2010 07:35 AM

Faking Accents
Just found this on another site and couldn't stop laughing. Probably wouldn't advise it for success with women, but great if you were in the mood for dicking around.

Casanova 16-05-2010 09:15 AM

funny video man i reckon that could work in a bar situation as an opener it would break the ice and show that you have a sense of humour. Would be great fun aswell doing it!
Im lucky to have an irish accent :D

Cefai 16-05-2010 11:59 PM

would you like to go to the discooo

JaySin 17-05-2010 04:08 AM

on a serious note, ive been seriously working on a british accient to try something like this

Blanca 17-05-2010 11:52 AM

Cefai this video is hilarious! I bet they had a right laugh doing it, the accents need a bit of work though, they sound a bit...Nordic?

Jaysin, I really hope, for your sake, you're talking about learning an English accent so you can use it to dick about and enjoy yourself. Putting on an accent to try and pick up girls is one of the least cool things you can do.

Casanova 17-05-2010 06:28 PM

hellooooo there missssss would you like to go to the discooooooo works every time ha

sapmi 18-05-2010 01:32 PM

The guys on this forum know, I would totally rock at this! I am the accent expert, bring it on!! (I may be coming to improve Thursday, if I'm a good boy..watch this space!)

Blanca 18-05-2010 02:07 PM

Ohhh Sapmi, did you just lay down an accent challenge?? Bring it biatch! :p

picard 19-05-2010 03:35 PM

hahaa, funny video

although ive got to say, i reckon most of their reactions were from their fun, positive goofyness, which was cool...

i can definately confirm though, that when in America, being British has been a massive help in picking up girls... obviously my genuine accent sounds natural so it was even more effective than theres...

altho... i am deffo tempted to try the opposite of this, put on an American accent when goin out in England



JaySin 23-05-2010 08:35 PM

i would never try and act like I am some other national just to get a girl, but i did successfully complete this in a funny sort of way. at a small pub in san diego i connected eyes when i first walked in with a 5 foot 10 red head with bright colored lips, after giving her a chance to watch me walk around and talk to a few of what i later found out were regulars at the place. i spotted her heading for the door, so i knew i need to act fast. i pull out my cell phone and head after her. i put the phone up to my ear with one hand and covered my other ear with the other and pushed to door open with my shoulder, i pretended to be talking through a small business deal with a friend on the phone in the heaviest british accent.
she was about 5 feet from the door burning a hole in the side of my face with her eyes, i pretended like the conversation was getting bad service and the call cut out, before i could fake end the call and turn to say hi she was standing right next to me asking where i was from.
in an american south accent i said im from here, confused she said is that your real voice, i then switched to my normal accent and asked her if that was her real hair, as soon as she opened her mouth to say yes i switched back to the british accent and said why does it matter if its real or not or where we are from... just where we are going, which is?
i number closed for the moment and had her at my place by 3 am.

faking accents, i give 2 thumbs up when done right but no lies, its trashy and untrue

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