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sapmi 30-04-2010 03:06 PM

A Different Approach
Hi Guys Wassup?

Why is that when I was high on mephedrone, I was more likely to pull (as in K-close, bouncing back to hers, kissng 10s etc)

It's because I felt good in myself.

But can we have that much self esteem all the time? Yes! People who are good with women don't need alcohol, drugs etc. They've built a hight level of self esteem...they know who they are and no one can fucking mess with them. Women adore that. They sense that and they even approach you. (I know this because this state has been artificially induced through drugs).

So whats my point? If you have your shit sorted or you are happy with your life (health, wealth and generally happy), you will be instantly attractive to women. All you'll need to do is approach a few times and then boom! You've pulled a hottie. You won't need "game", techniques, tactics etc.

So, if you're crap with women (like me), sort your shit out...have a plan (is it physical? Then Exercise.......is it wealth? then sort it out)....then come back in a year. This shit will then work 10 times better. Its best to experience as much of the world as possible. Make your own happiness. Be your own leader (in my case I'm taking this the extreme and shunning all types of paid employment....I'm making money on MY TERMS!)

If you need sex, fuck a whore. Once you know you are on track and happy...then maybe return to game...RSD, MM whatever.

One last thing. There are guys who come into this and within weeks, they are successful with women. All it took for them is really a push to approach people, thats it! However this works less well with people who have other issues.

Anyway I'm off to rule the world haha!

Tom 30-04-2010 03:56 PM

Nice! Apart from I don't agree with the whore bit

anthony 09-05-2010 02:12 PM

Yea I think you have a point here.

Sapmi was here last night and we went out like times of old …

I diagnose you sir with that crippling pattern. Really wanting to pull affects your interactions (less having fun and such also affects your night), then you become pissed off if and when it doesn't happen; you start again etc.

It is disappointing you haven't got the success you want after putting so much in.

I think inwards is good step. So you're able to have a relaxed normal confident conversation. Everything else will stem from this. Beware of over simplifying too much though - last night wasn't exactly prolific for me, even if you say I got lots of IOIs etc. I didn't really enjoy the PU aspect of it and only got a tangible 'success' from the japanese girl who bizarrely it turns out I met on a one-off in the street last year. Also, I'm pretty sure many of the one-night stand people have low standards, making things fucking easy (I almost always get overtures from girls I'm not really into when I'm out). Then again, I really don't like fat girls, and I know some guys who do (my friend here seriously does), so maybe I'm oversimplifying!

Also, I think you should do some 'warmer' approaches/interactions. Where its more normal. Social activities etc. There are far easier ways of doing things. Go on meetup.com or check out a singles night. The cold approaches involve battling with logistics and are at times a pain in the ass (recal the extremely busy bar – so tight in there, with those spanish girls, literally like animals in a cage; its neither pleasant or easy).

I start to think maybe non of us improve as much as they should – roughly one year on from this community when I started. Everyone seems to be in a similar place to their capacity at the beginning. No one seems to be a master or anything. Change is fucking difficult.

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