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slimjimm123 18-03-2017 11:19 AM

Getting an attractive girl is impossible
Endless loneliness, endless rejection, and isolation. For years and years I've daygamed to no avail, until my mind was frayed and there was nothing left but anger.
I'm Rick Grimes walking in the sea of the undead.

-its time for a revolution

Dannyboy 18-03-2017 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by slimjimm123 (Post 102729)
Endless loneliness, endless rejection, and isolation. For years and years I've daygamed to no avail, until my mind was frayed and there was nothing left but anger.
I'm Rick Grimes walking in the sea of the undead.

If you feel the same, come check out:

-its time for a revolution

What in the fuck is this??
somone explain

R0nan 31-03-2017 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by slimjimm123 (Post 102729)
Endless loneliness, endless rejection, and isolation. For years and years I've daygamed to no avail, until my mind was frayed and there was nothing left but anger.
I'm Rick Grimes walking in the sea of the undead.

-its time for a revolution

You're not alone mate. Western society is fucked.

You're never good enough as a man these days. We've all got to quit our jobs and become full time douche bag pimps in order to get a decent bird.

dan300 01-04-2017 12:40 AM

It could be worse. You could be crying about how much your life sucks on a forum full of strangers.

R0nan 01-04-2017 02:33 PM

What's even worse than that is being a slimy cunt rash who gets a kick off the suffering of others. Doesn't get any lower.

R0nan 03-04-2017 06:39 PM

Neither. It's an accurate take on the state of the western world, like it or not.

Back in the day men used to be able to just focus on their career/fitness and pull decent birds (i.e. attractive emotionally healthy) who respected them.

Today if they want one of the few remaining decent birds they are forced to waste huge amounts of energy on game and competing with other men.

Years of feminism/welfare state/cultural marxism have:

a. given women an astronomical sense of entitlement

b. killed all respect for the average decent guy

c. removed the incentive for women to stay fit and healthy

Hence why now even average women won't settle for a guy he seems at least a couple of SMV points above them.

This is plainly obvious from online dating statistics, which show the majority of men get little or no responses, only the top 1% of guys are getting any action.

There's loads of good material explaining this phenomenon, look it up, I'm not pulling it out of my arse.

daleinthedark 03-04-2017 09:27 PM

I'm not in the top 1% and I'm getting action

You're talking out of your arse

R0nan 04-04-2017 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 102921)
You are.

Online dating does not represent the real world. I'd even go so far to say that picking up women cold has got allot easier in recent years, for various reasons.

I was going to disect your post with counter points but feel it will be wasted. I've met guys like you before and I fear you have totally gone over to the dark side with this red pill bullshit.

Why are you here man?

For...various reasons?

You were going to dissect...if you could be bothered to think, or spell.

You're just like all the left wing loonies who react violently to anyone who challenges their views.

I'm not telling anyone not to cold approach, I've done a lot of it.

I'm pointing out the larger trends at play in society and the reasons why there's now a massive pickup industry.


My feeling these days is that cold approach is a necessary evil.

For the average guy the success rate is terribly low and it wastes a huge amount of time and energy, I've seen this firsthand.

In fact the success rate is so low that guys who have really succeeded have indeed had to quit their jobs to dedicate all available time to pickup, look at i.e. Krauser.

On the other hand there isn't much of an alternative to get a decent girl in bed, beyond hoping for social circle luck, which as an average guy these days is also unlikely.

Stein 04-04-2017 11:34 AM

Cold approach is a necessary evil? You've got to quit your job to get laid a lot? What is this shit?

There's a big irony about someone bitching about women having a massive sense of entitlement when his main point is that it's everyone else's fault no one wants to fuck him.

This type of bitching may be low level gratifying, but it achieves nothing. In all probability your only real problem is your game just sucks, and people can sense your resentful ass vibe. There's plenty of decent guys who manage to hold a job and get laid a lot. Whining won't get you into that group. Getting your shit together will.

R0nan 04-04-2017 03:12 PM

I really thought there might be some intelligent discussion here.

All you've got are ad hominem attacks and hate, no arguments.


"First off - Lol at implying Jaz is politically left. Following that with an attack on his ability to think and spell is pure retarded and shows up your immature nature. This will be coming across in all your interactions and it's a big part of the why you are so defeatist."
You missed the point. I'm saying you're LIKE leftists by emotionally reacting to anything challenging your view.

And yeah I'm attacking his ability to think and spell because...drum roll...he couldn't be arsed responding to the argument or spelling.


"On topic - I get laid just fine off a constantly renewed range of girls and women that are average to incredible. I almost never cold approach nor rely on social circle luck."
Ok captain alpha bro, not many of us are as fortunate. Maybe you'd care to explain how that works. Maybe you're so alpha they just magnetically attach to your dick as you strut around.


"There's plenty of decent guys who manage to hold a job and get laid a lot. Whining won't get you into that group. Getting your shit together will."
Got my shit very much together thanks and I'm not whining, that's just you projecting.

Plenty of guys holding down a job and getting laid a lot huh?

Not in my experience. I've been in and out of workplaces and 'the community' for a long while and I've seen maybe two or three guys who fall in that category, out of hundreds.

Go ask Krauser why he quit his job.

R0nan 04-04-2017 03:52 PM


Lol. Accusing others of ad hominem. When you pull someone up for their spelling, that's an ad hominem... at best.
Calling a guy out for saying he can't be arsed to respond to your argument and spelling incorrectly is not ad hominem, it's factual.

Calling me a retard butthurt resentful whiner with bad game who needs to get his shit together...

Seeing the contrast there alpha browalski?

I should have remembered the old saying about internet arguments, THIS is retarded and I'm done.

Shahanshah 05-04-2017 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by R0nan (Post 102927)
For...various reasons?

You were going to dissect...if you could be bothered to think, or spell.

You're just like all the left wing loonies who react violently to anyone who challenges their views.

I'm not telling anyone not to cold approach, I've done a lot of it.

I'm pointing out the larger trends at play in society and the reasons why there's now a massive pickup industry.


My feeling these days is that cold approach is a necessary evil.

For the average guy the success rate is terribly low and it wastes a huge amount of time and energy, I've seen this firsthand.

In fact the success rate is so low that guys who have really succeeded have indeed had to quit their jobs to dedicate all available time to pickup, look at i.e. Krauser.

On the other hand there isn't much of an alternative to get a decent girl in bed, beyond hoping for social circle luck, which as an average guy these days is also unlikely.

Okay. Your arguement is actually partially correct but your conclusions are stupid. Yes to pulls lots and lots and lots of girls you have to do lots and lots of chatting up girls.

You make some assumption of what men used to be able to do. Nope. Until pick-up most guys were essentially born with it or, if lucky, learnt by trial and error and got a little more success than they started off with.

You also made an odd assumption, or implication at least, that getting lots of hot girls:

A normal thing
Teachable to anyone
Means you could get a hot girlfriend

Nope, nope and nope.

It's not normal. The average guy has sex with ten or so girls before settling down.

A good 20% of guys are not going to be able to learn this shit whether it's their personality, commitment or if they take to it well. Or plain social rejects.

If you went out for years and only pulled one hot girl who became your wife who you had a happy marriage with, that would probably be more in tune with what guys want. Stop talking like pulling loads of chicks is some God given right. It's not. You're thick. And fat. And your parents hate you.

BroadswordWSJ 05-04-2017 07:38 PM

Heres some comments you made that stick outto me (on a tablet, multi quoting is too time consuming):

"I'm pointing out the larger trends at play in society and the reasons why there's now a massive pickup industry"

No there isn't. It started dying around 5ish years ago once everybody realised that (a) its pretty much all regurgatated bull shit and theres not much to write about that hasn't already been written (b) 9/10 PUA gurus aren't actually gurus, they are very, very good sales & marketing men & (c) PUA is almost purely sales & money driven - MOST (not all) gurus just one you to buy their stuff so they can make money. They dont really care if it works or not as long as you pay them monies for the "secret to pickup Ive been working on for 3 years" whichin reality probably only took a few months to throw together. The "Industry" has beenon life support for years. You really think the likes of Richard La Ruina or Kezia Noble are raking it in? PUA Training dont even offer boot camps anymore & the mighty Adam Lyons is no longer a PUA - what does that tell you?

"In fact the success rate is so low that guys who have really succeeded have indeed had to quit their jobs to dedicate all available time to pickup, look at i.e. Krauser."

Who are all these guys who quit their jobs? Going full time "gaming" would be awful. Approaching women 8-5, spending days studying it like its some kind of exam you can memorise. That will never work.

"Got my shit very much together thanks and I'm not whining, that's just you projecting"

If you did you would be having a decent amount of success with women, and you definitely wouldn't be moaning to strangers online about this - because if you did have your shit together you would be reserving your fucks for far more critical things.

Im not as harsh as everyone else here, but go have a think about why things dont work for you. Approaching millions of women, smashing out online dating messages & studying pick up theory isnt the answer. Go get your shit together.

R0nan 09-04-2017 11:41 AM

So you wait until after I say this is retarded and I'm done to respond.

Then you say I'm partially correct but go on to call me a retard.

Piss weak.


Originally Posted by Shahanshah (Post 102955)
Okay. Your arguement is actually partially correct but your conclusions are stupid. Yes to pulls lots and lots and lots of girls you have to do lots and lots of chatting up girls.

Where did I say a god damn thing about pulling 'lots and lots' of girls!? Again you're projecting.

By 'girls' I mean enough to have a reasonable experience of women and be able to choose a good partner.


You make some assumption of what men used to be able to do. Nope. Until pick-up most guys were essentially born with it or, if lucky, learnt by trial and error and got a little more success than they started off with.
Again you miss the point. I'm saying men were MUCH better placed in the sexual marketplace due to the structure of society. Being a responsible guy with a good job who looked after himself was HUGELY valuable to women. These days where every hot girl is parading her arse on instawhore it means fuck all. Because of said societal changes and the delusional over-entitled mindset of women men are forced into more and more sexual competition. So we arrive at a massively skewed sexual marketplace where the 'alphas' get practically everything and the bulk of guys get practically nothing.


You also made an odd assumption, or implication at least, that getting lots of hot girls:

A normal thing

...It's not normal. The average guy has sex with ten or so girls before settling down.

...Stop talking like pulling loads of chicks is some God given right. It's not. You're thick. And fat. And your parents hate you.
Again I never said a fucking thing about getting 'lots of hot girls' being normal.

Predictably you descend into ad hominem and trying to make me look like a neck beard when you don't know a god damn thing about me.

What kind of forum is this where EVERYONE metaphorically beats the shit out of a guy for expressing an argument/opinion which differs to your own?

Oh I know it's a crazy braindead reactionist one, a bit like...LEFTWING NUTJOBS.

R0nan 09-04-2017 12:24 PM

Fuck off browalski, you and your forum of intolerant keyboard alphas.

R0nan 09-04-2017 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by BroadswordWSJ (Post 102956)
Heres some comments you made that stick outto me (on a tablet, multi quoting is too time consuming):

"I'm pointing out the larger trends at play in society and the reasons why there's now a massive pickup industry"

No there isn't. It started dying around 5ish years ago

Really!? Where's the evidence? There are far more pickup instructors advertising services now than there were five years ago. Have you seen the crowds at RSD seminars? They might as well start doing stadiums.


You really think the likes of Richard La Ruina or Kezia Noble are raking it in?
I met a guy in London who used to do Kezia's marketing and by his account yeah she IS raking it in. So much so that he went and started HIS OWN pickup business and is still at it. I met one guy who he charged 3 fucking grand for a few 'nightgame' training sessions. Sound like RAKING IT IN?

"In fact the success rate is so low that guys who have really succeeded have indeed had to quit their jobs to dedicate all available time to pickup, look at i.e. Krauser."

Who are all these guys who quit their jobs? Going full time "gaming" would be awful. Approaching women 8-5, spending days studying it like its some kind of exam you can memorise. That will never work.

Guys like Krauser, go read his blog. These guys have unplugged from the matrix.

"Got my shit very much together thanks and I'm not whining, that's just you projecting"


If you did you would be having a decent amount of success with women, and you definitely wouldn't be moaning to strangers online about this - because if you did have your shit together you would be reserving your fucks for far more critical things.
Wrong. I've met a ton of decent hard working guys who've got their shit together and still struggle badly to get a decent bird. You want to tell them that it's all their fault and they're pathetic losers. I'm done with that bullshit story that feminists and brainwashed 'man up' bros are pushing.


Im not as harsh as everyone else here, but go have a think about why things dont work for you. Approaching millions of women, smashing out online dating messages & studying pick up theory isnt the answer. Go get your shit together.
At least you haven't called me a retard, but you're not much better, all you can do is suggest I'm a neck beard loser hence my opinion.

R0nan 09-04-2017 05:00 PM

Fuck off browalski, you have no arguments and nothing to discuss.

I'm only responding to guys who actually made points.

Shahanshah 09-04-2017 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 102991)
Kid said he was done, yet here he is once more. And, that's not his fault, it's Shah's fault.



To be fair to him, I can tap into people and annoy them. If only I could monetize this.

Shahanshah 09-04-2017 08:36 PM


So you wait until after I say this is retarded and I'm done to respond.

Then you say I'm partially correct but go on to call me a retard.

Piss weak.

I meant your arguments were partially correct but your conclusion was wrong. This is self-explanatory. You could be right it saying a carrot is orange but if you said that meant it was an orange fruit because it's orange. Well you're wrong.


Where did I say a god damn thing about pulling 'lots and lots' of girls!? Again you're projecting.

By 'girls' I mean enough to have a reasonable experience of women and be able to choose a good partner.

I assumed you meant that because that was the only way anyone could even suggest 'these days' it's too difficult. Haha I just realised you're calling us all reactionaries when you're the one who's angry about 'these days'. All those loose women eh?

Then you are entirely wrong. To get reasonable experience with women and be able to choose a good partner is within a good 60% of all men. Again the other 40% are people who just don't put the effort in - sure we'd all like to have hot girls but it is tough work regardless of what era you're in - or men who lack the self-awareness/perseverance/learning capacity/personality or even looks.


Again you miss the point. I'm saying men were MUCH better placed in the sexual marketplace due to the structure of society. Being a responsible guy with a good job who looked after himself was HUGELY valuable to women. These days where every hot girl is parading her arse on instawhore it means fuck all. Because of said societal changes and the delusional over-entitled mindset of women men are forced into more and more sexual competition. So we arrive at a massively skewed sexual marketplace where the 'alphas' get practically everything and the bulk of guys get practically nothing.

Ah here's your reactionary mindset in full attack mode. Yes, you are right. The 'alphas' do get 'most' of it and the bulk of guys do get practically nothing.

So? There are a lot of girls out there. You can develop yourself into a 'reasonably alpha' guy to get enough experience and find a beautiful girl. Your problem with your argument is your entire point is essentially 'girls are entitled these days so therefore your average guy can't get any' but haven't explain WHY that's true? You go off the assumption that it means NO attractive would like you for you. You also lump all girls into an extremely narrow demographic of attention whores. A lot are for sure but again not all.


Again I never said a fucking thing about getting 'lots of hot girls' being normal.



Predictably you descend into ad hominem and trying to make me look like a neck beard when you don't know a god damn thing about me.

Nope. I know exactly who you are. You're a gamer type guy, probably work in some kind of tech or studying for it. You did some RSD stuff for a few years and found no results. You probably read loads of stuff out there to no avail. You found the red pill stuff and rather than seeing it as a way to develop yourself and meet girls, you saw it as an excuse.


What kind of forum is this where EVERYONE metaphorically beats the shit out of a guy for expressing an argument/opinion which differs to your own?

Oh I know it's a crazy braindead reactionist one, a bit like...LEFTWING NUTJOBS.
As a forum it is very anti-pua, this is a dating/development forum. We hate whiners too.

Shahanshah 09-04-2017 08:47 PM

Oh and Ronan, you say you know guys who have got their shit together, hard working and still struggle with girls. Uhhh yeah? Being a hard working guy with his shit together isn't particularly related to attraction. A lot of guys who are good with girls DO NOT have their shit together, they are just confident with girls essentially.

Also your wording was 'they struggle to meet a decent bird' yeah welcome to life mate. That's nothing to do with pick-up. That's everyone's life. If finding a good partner was so easy then it'd sorta defeat the whole point of it. Just because you can pull girls every night, doesn't mean you are immune from the struggle of finding a good girl.

Even DeCaprio and George Clooney have that problem.

HaveACuppaTea 18-04-2017 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 102930)
First off - Lol at implying Jaz is politically left. Following that with an attack on his ability to think and spell is pure retarded and shows up your immature nature. This will be coming across in all your interactions and it's a big part of the why you are so defeatist.

On topic - I get laid just fine off a constantly renewed range of girls and women that are average to incredible. I almost never cold approach nor rely on social circle luck.



Kowalski, we've only got your word for that though haven't we? For all we know you could be a world class bullshitter, not having a go, but it's the truth.

I do agree with Ronan to a certain extent, as I believe it is increasingly more difficult for the average Joe to meet an average Jane. Women have a lot more choice now than what they've ever had, women earn more than they used to, and compete with men in the workplace. Their expectations are higher which has made them more picky.

Yes, it's good to have a positive outlook, but you still need to be a realist.

Dannyboy 20-04-2017 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 103092)
I have to disagree here, It's never been easier to "get" women. With the rise of online/app dating it's now child's play. You could if you wished have a full harem of women and never have to make one cold approach. My game now is around 60% in the field and 40% online.

I thought (in all honesty) when I hit my 30's it would start going down hill for me. Stupid fucking idea. I can tell you now aged 32 in 2017, it has NEVER been easier to for me to get laid. It's actually more of a headache for me to 'manage my diary' then it is to cold approach. I'm banging girls from 19 to 26 too. Me now VS me in 2007, it's a no contest mate. And this was when I was 'young', pre dating sites AND in the PUA boom.

Food for thought: there is an entire generation of young men who have never made a cold approach in their life and their IRL social skills are total shit. Young guys these days rely solely on online interactions.

What a time to be alive.

Bang on this
Take note

Phil 28-04-2017 10:45 PM

Fit women are a fucking pain in the ass! I'm done with fucking worldie fit birds...

if u think getting one is a headache... try fucking dating one!

Stick to 8s... once u have 10's its hard to go back and they are all fucking psycho's ALL OF THEM.

R0nan 20-05-2017 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by HaveACuppaTea (Post 103089)
Kowalski, we've only got your word for that though haven't we? For all we know you could be a world class bullshitter, not having a go, but it's the truth.

I do agree with Ronan to a certain extent, as I believe it is increasingly more difficult for the average Joe to meet an average Jane. Women have a lot more choice now than what they've ever had, women earn more than they used to, and compete with men in the workplace. Their expectations are higher which has made them more picky.

Yes, it's good to have a positive outlook, but you still need to be a realist.

Finally someone sees the light.

I am a positive individual and I appreciate the shit out of what I have in life, but I will never bury my head in the sand on what is happening around me in society.

It is DEFINITELY increasingly difficult for the average guy to get a girl on his level due to the changes happening in society I've already outlined.

Coltaine is a smart guy and he explains it far better and more concisely than I can:


10:26 - for a guy and girl of the same attractiveness, the girl will often now see herself as say an 8 dating a 3.


Originally Posted by Shahanshah (Post 103000)
Nope. I know exactly who you are. You're a gamer type guy, probably work in some kind of tech or studying for it. You did some RSD stuff for a few years and found no results. You probably read loads of stuff out there to no avail. You found the red pill stuff and rather than seeing it as a way to develop yourself and meet girls, you saw it as an excuse.

You're an arrogant cunt and you know fuck all.

I've worked on myself for more than a decade and have no interest in video games or social media, fucking waste of time.


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 103092)
I have to disagree here, It's never been easier to "get" women. With the rise of online/app dating it's now child's play.

If that's true in your experience then you are living in a different world to some 90% of guys who couldn't bang a 7 from online if their life depended on it. Online and tiner especially is good looking guy game. I can only imagine you are physically in the top 10% and have little idea what life is like for the rest.

Edit - that is assuming you are talking about banging 7+ girls, not girls two points below you...


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 103092)
You could if you wished have a full harem of women and never have to make one cold approach. My game now is around 60% in the field and 40% online.

Sorry mate but I'm calling bullshit there. Again I've met almost every kind of guy out there and that statement applies to the top few percent only.

Shahanshah 22-05-2017 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by R0nan (Post 103306)
Finally someone sees the light.

I am a positive individual and I appreciate the shit out of what I have in life, but I will never bury my head in the sand on what is happening around me in society.

It is DEFINITELY increasingly difficult for the average guy to get a girl on his level due to the changes happening in society I've already outlined.

Coltaine is a smart guy and he explains it far better and more concisely than I can:


10:26 - for a guy and girl of the same attractiveness, the girl will often now see herself as say an 8 dating a 3.

You're an arrogant cunt and you know fuck all.

I've worked on myself for more than a decade and have no interest in video games or social media, fucking waste of time.

If that's true in your experience then you are living in a different world to some 90% of guys who couldn't bang a 7 from online if their life depended on it. Online and tiner especially is good looking guy game. I can only imagine you are physically in the top 10% and have little idea what life is like for the rest.

Edit - that is assuming you are talking about banging 7+ girls, not girls two points below you...

Sorry mate but I'm calling bullshit there. Again I've met almost every kind of guy out there and that statement applies to the top few percent only.

R0nan, where are you based? Come meet me, Jaz and others, make friends, and chat to some girls if any of us feel like it.

Stein 23-05-2017 01:06 PM

This guy's a MGTOW or some shit right? Also how is this conversation still going on?

markuk 23-05-2017 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 103092)
I have to disagree here, It's never been easier to "get" women. With the rise of online/app dating it's now child's play. You could if you wished have a full harem of women and never have to make one cold approach. My game now is around 60% in the field and 40% online.
What a time to be alive.

My experience of online has always been bad. I'm 38, in shape, think I'm average looking. Only ever get matched to women a couple of years difference on my age.

From my experience therefore online is shit and pretty much everyone I know, unless they are prepared to date girls who are well below them in value.

Whatever works for you though. (Disclaimer I CBA to read the whole thread - but this just jumped out).

PS I thought you must be ancient, 32 you baby.

Phil 07-06-2017 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by markuk (Post 103332)
My experience of online has always been bad. I'm 38, in shape, think I'm average looking. Only ever get matched to women a couple of years difference on my age.

From my experience therefore online is shit and pretty much everyone I know, unless they are prepared to date girls who are well below them in value.

Whatever works for you though. (Disclaimer I CBA to read the whole thread - but this just jumped out).

PS I thought you must be ancient, 32 you baby.

Mate, I only attract women ore attractive than me (altho I'm tidy like)

This is about understanding people and being realistic.

I started putting worldy birds for a laugh when i got all my tattoos but i was still pulling 10's before that but in most cases u need to have enough about you to be the boss of everything around you.

No amount of tricks tips & grooming will pull you these women unless you own an attitude that destroys the 10 other men she is talking to at any time.

Its a process you can learn, i learned it... but its not in a book, it takes time and the need to evolve for yourself without women being the focus

Phil 07-06-2017 10:45 PM

also Jaz is a Spaz, and I'm pretty sure he is still a virgin. Don't listen to him.

MikeH0ck 31-05-2018 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by Jaz (Post 103092)
I have to disagree here, It's never been easier to "get" women. With the rise of online/app dating it's now child's play. You could if you wished have a full harem of women and never have to make one cold approach. My game now is around 60% in the field and 40% online.

I thought (in all honesty) when I hit my 30's it would start going down hill for me. Stupid fucking idea. I can tell you now aged 32 in 2017, it has NEVER been easier to for me to get laid. It's actually more of a headache for me to 'manage my diary' then it is to cold approach. I'm banging girls from 19 to 26 too. Me now VS me in 2007, it's a no contest mate. And this was when I was 'young', pre dating sites AND in the PUA boom.

Food for thought: there is an entire generation of young men who have never made a cold approach in their life and their IRL social skills are total shit. Young guys these days rely solely on online interactions.

What a time to be alive.

Just a correction but there are definitely dating sites around in 2007.

In fact they've been around since the late 90s.

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