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thedoctor46 20-03-2010 11:32 PM

help needed!!
i've recently fallen for this girl at work, and really want to ask her out. i'm fairly sure she is single, she is hot as hell. only problem is i have very few opportunities to go and start speaking to her. only time i see her is when she walks (very quickly) past my desk to go to the canteen. i usually catch her looking at me as she walks into the room, but she quickly looks away when i make eye contact. i was going to just walk up to her and introduce myself and ask her out. etc. etc. but this plan was shot down by this guy i work with (he is gay so wont hit on her!) as he reckons it would just scare her. now he is planning on talking to her himself about me. it does make my job easier, but makes me look like a coward also! plz help a bro out pros!:confused:

Status 21-03-2010 12:23 AM

Firstly, don't take her glancing at you as anything. Don't read into this shit, it will only fuck you up.
Just open conversations with her, be confident and fun. Then casually mention a socail event that you're going to and say she should come along. Ask for her number and say you'll hit her up. I wouldn't arrange any sort of date, but that's just me.

Good luck!

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