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Default Growing on me... - 13-04-2010, 05:28 PM

Hey guys,

well the darkness sang the song with lyics, you're really growing on me and every now and again this seems to side swipe me where I meet a chic, not what I'd describe as my perfect 10 in terms of looks, but the more you chat to them and hang out (just as friends), something clicks in my head and goes "this chic is really cool, I want to go out with her". It's very much less of the spontainius lust when you see a stunning woman walking along, just more of the connection type stuff and seeing the person infront of you.

It's not happened for ages now, but ones just come along and I'd thought it share.


Today is the beginning of my new life, I am starting over today, All good things are coming to me, I am grateful to be alive.
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Default 13-04-2010, 06:48 PM

Dude, you know that song is about genital warts right?

It's just advice, fellas. Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do
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Default 13-04-2010, 07:59 PM

It's about whatever Retro wants it to be about.

girls just wanna have fun
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Default 13-04-2010, 09:51 PM

Pmsl quallity lol never knew it was about that... Was just referjng to the line.. Always thought it was in my reference as the song after on the album is I beleive in a thing called love... One leading into the other... But they do say asunption is the mother if all fuck ups lol


anyway back on topic.. Not genital warts!

Today is the beginning of my new life, I am starting over today, All good things are coming to me, I am grateful to be alive.
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Default 15-04-2010, 10:01 PM

Anyway this is kinda a fr but it's this subject.

So I set up this girl to come to my salsa class, not possitioned as a date, as per what every book says "just hangin out" as she used to do salsa as well. I get a text about two hours before we were to meet saying can she bring a friend. I say ok, as it's a class and everyone is welcome, trying to keep it that it's not a date.

So I meet her and her mate and we all walk to the class. Her mates never done it before so goes in the begeinners class and me and her do the regular class. After the first hour, beginners class is over so her mates now just sat there watching me and this hb salsa. Angain the class goes on into more difficult stuff and the hb then stops as she's forgotten quite a bit of it and she joins her mate, Which leaves me just dancing in the class.

Anyway the class ends and I walk over to the hb and ask where her mate is, she says she's gone home (quallity).. So I surgest we go for a drink. We bounce to kro, we get a drink sit down and chat for a good hour, it's great fun, we are laughing, kino is going both ways, taking the piss out of each other, just real genuine conversation, no scripted shit, no unawkward silances and on a couple of times I do start to get arroused (semi on) breifly as how things were going.

I then say I have to go as I have work in the morning, escort her across picadilly to the her bus and say goodnight. I text her when I get home just saying thanks for a nice night and to drop me a text so I know she's home safe.

Bits that worry me:

At no point did I drop anything sexual into the conversation other than comment how our high five as lick slapping ass. The only other time I ever really dropped a hit is I sent her the text about how animals smell each other before mating.

She invited a friend.. Wasn't arsed about it and chatted openly with her friend, but doesnt just is a bit odd as it's the first time it's happened although she did leave early.

So yeah, want to set up a day two but I want to make sure the intention is there and correct.... So open to the floor guys?

Today is the beginning of my new life, I am starting over today, All good things are coming to me, I am grateful to be alive.
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Default 16-04-2010, 10:42 AM

Sorry Retro, I kind of scuppered your thread with that observation about "Growing on Me" didn't I!

As for recent developments, I see no reason to doubt that it's on. Her friend went home early, she spent ages talking to you and having a wicked (and slightly sexual) time with you. Couple this to the fact that it makes sense that she'd be drawn to a fucking awesome lad such as yourself and hey presto! Assume it's on man, this chick is ripe for the picking.

As for the sexual stuff, try some things that Juggler suggests. I put some of it in MB's recent field report (http://www.puaforum.co.uk/field-repo...r-reports.html), and it's something I need to work on too. It's the sort of thing I used to do during a period of moderate success with the ladies in my younger days (when I was like 15/16) without even realising I was doing it, and it does get them all hot under the collar.

It's just advice, fellas. Do whatever the FUCK you wanna do
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Retro (16-04-2010)
Default 16-04-2010, 11:38 AM

pua answer: you should have social proofed yourself a bit more. Get the friend's number, make it obvious that the girls in the class love you and will see you again. Even slap their ass on the way out (perhaps agree on this beforehand)

normal answer: sounds absolutely fine retro. Seems like you're coming from a place where you think it will fuck up. Don't worry about it. I personally wouldn't have said thanks for a nice night, but that's personal preference. Another date should be fine; if not then another girl will be no doubt

Girls bringing friends is nothing major to worry about. Some really shy ones I even suggest they do it. I think K posted a general thread. I think his general line was don’t worry about the specifics, be happy at the process developing underneath.

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Default 16-04-2010, 01:38 PM

Thanks for the answers guys (espchialy anthinys normal answer :-) ). Just wanted to check really that being that it wasn't an overly sexual intercation even though it was realy realy good fun, that if on a day two I do go in for the kiss then it's not going to come as a shock to her and that I've been filed in the dreaded friend zone.

Her bring the friend along just made me question it, as like I said it's a new thing for that to happen, but I know I handled it in the right mannor.



ps doing this on the iPhone so the pradictive text is shocking!

Today is the beginning of my new life, I am starting over today, All good things are coming to me, I am grateful to be alive.

Last edited by Retro; 16-04-2010 at 02:27 PM.
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Default 19-04-2010, 07:54 AM

Just to wrap this thread up... K once said to me "you never know how good your aim is until you pull the trigger"... Well i can say i was hitting straight and true as regards the follow up day 2 ;-)

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Default 19-04-2010, 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by camarda View Post
hehe. how close was the target?
Well let me put it this way, i can still smell her perfume and taste her lip balm

Today is the beginning of my new life, I am starting over today, All good things are coming to me, I am grateful to be alive.
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