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Hotrod 18-01-2010 01:52 PM

dumping girls
This subject is surely related to Pua. If ur gonna pick em up, a lot of the time you've got to finish it too. But i've never read anything in any pua book covering the subject. Whats the easiest way to end it with a girl? Im talking about girlfriends you've been seeing for a while or girls you've only met up with once or twice. Anybody got any tips or ideas on the subject? This is something i have always really really sucked at, lol.

nova 18-01-2010 02:13 PM

I'm not sure there's any fail-safe way to tackle this, especially if you are hoping she will just walk away and not get upset with you. Just be honest with yourself and her and face the music.

CovertOperation 18-01-2010 05:32 PM

Be honest. That's rule number one. Have your reasons, exlain them clearly, and if you're being straight with her, she'll at least understand that.

You don't have to show any emotion to make her feel better. You don't have to pretend to be upset. In the past, I've broken up with girls and actually been quite cold with it - one in particular I told was getting too emotionally attached to me, and that I wanted to break up before it got really bad. She took it very badly, and still really hates me to this day. Fine, that's my lot.

At the end of the day, if I wanted to be Very Good Friends with her, I wouldn't have got with her in the way I did.

Hotrod 18-01-2010 07:18 PM

Kowalski, you lucky bastard, lol. But yeah some good stuff here, guys. I guess I just have to have more guts about it.

Tom 19-01-2010 08:46 AM

Also it helps if you're clear what sort of relationship it is from the start. This will lessen any arguments later, for example if you just wanted some fun and sex but if she thought it was a relationship.

nova 19-01-2010 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Tom (Post 13852)
Also it helps if you're clear what sort of relationship it is from the start. This will lessen any arguments later, for example if you just wanted some fun and sex but if she thought it was a relationship.

This is a classic error I used to make, and plenty of my friends still make - 'if I want sex I must get into a relationship'.

picard 19-01-2010 11:22 AM

im actually very glad this thread exists.

at the moment im tryign to get rid of a girl, she has become really needy and we'v eonly gone out like 3 times... not a great thing tbh

going to be straight with her. just telling her that im not looking for anything too seirous at the moment and need to concentrate on work (truth aswell tbh)


secretpua 21-01-2010 09:43 AM

I always make sure I include these two things in the break up conversation:

1/ I think we want very different things, and because of that down the line it will stop working and hurt us both.

2/ I think there's someone better coming for you, and think that person will want all the things you want.

Secret London Pua

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