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Default How I can take advantage of my dancing prowess - 21-01-2010, 10:13 AM

"I originally posted this in introductions and it was suggested I post this here so others who want an answer to a similar question can find it"

Hi I'm Stewart from Melbourne Australia. I'm 59 years young and I trade Forex as a living.

Been married a couple of times and had a few relationships that probably happened in spite of my lack of PUA knowledge and skill not because of it.

My question.

I'm a competent and confident dancer, but absolutely hopeless conversationalist with men and women.. I'm quite comfortable going up to ANY woman and asking her to dance, The dances I dance are all partner dances and so I have the woman hand in hand for the dance and she has to follow my lead. I dance 50's Rock and Roll and older Latin dances like the Rumba and the Cha Cha.

I have had some amazing experiences on the dance floor

On one occasion I was at a dinner dance and the woman I was with could dance and we were the first and only ones on the dance floor. When we finished dancing everyone gave us a round of applause, which really surprised me.

When I'm dancing with a woman who can dance, I really go for it giving her really strong leads and moving us both fast and far on the dance floor dominating it. When we have finished dancing I sense something from them in their body language and facial expression, it's like they don't know what hit them but they loved it. I've even had one woman looking at me as we walked of the dance floor trying to find words to say but she was dumb founded.

Needless to say some of the women that have seen me around the clubs dancing come up to me and ask me to dance.

I'm sure I'm missing major opportunities having built attraction big time dancing with them the way I do, but I don't know how to take advantage of it. Remember she has to follow my lead and so I can literally have her in my arms either facing towards me or away from me simply by whatever dance step I lead. One step I do ends up with my arms wrapped around her, holding her close against me.

My sticking point is what to talk about while dancing with them and what to talk about after we finish dancing and sit down.

Any suggestions on things I could talk about or how I can take advantage of my dancing prowess would be appreciated.

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Default 21-01-2010, 11:24 AM

Wow! You certainly have an advantage as a dancer. You've probably generated alot of attraction. However, how do you take it further. I would say when dancing with them, enjoy the moment. Smile, be calm enjoy it. You don't have to say anything unless you really wany to. If you like her after the dance if you haven't already introduced yourself, introduce yourself. The key is to feel very relaxed when talking to her. She is not interested necessarily what you say (unless you threaten to kill her pet poodle!), but how you say it. Talk with confidence, loud but relaxed too. Talk about anything you feel passionate about.

Always lead the conversation. You start the topics, break them, start new ones (if appropriate). Lead her round the venue. Use your dominant body language when you dance, to lead her in general. Make sure you get physical with her (look up kino, 'the claw') Stay with her! Don't bail, no matter how uncomfortable she feels, unless she tells you to go away or she bails. This will happen, but don't get disheartened!

You can say any random bollocks, as long as you say it with conviction. Look below for an example of the "alphabet generation technique". But above all, try to relax and chill!


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