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picard 24-11-2009 02:30 PM

Note: "Backstory" - for repeat performances
had a thought whilst at work today...

after continuing my most successful sarge from a couple of weeks ago, i've been lucky enough to have several repeat performances, however, it has prompted me to ensure that i have a 'backstory'.

what i mean by that is...

Its useful as a recovery tool to make sure you have a decent 'backstory' in mind, when using openers, and just to keep them in ur mind, available for retreival should you need them.

for example, i used the shady friend routine to open my HB8 who im getting repeat performances form: dates, sex, etc. Its all going well, so without going too-onities, i wish to maintain my options with her.

However, she has, on more than one occassion, brought up 'the thing with your friend and his gf' - as i put it... She still remembers my opener, which means that it was successful, however, i dont want her to remember it too well, as its obviously not true, it was just a means to get her talking.

She asked me about him (opener bf subject) and i had to think on my feet about a name of a friend and his gf's name in order to keep consistency with what ive already told her.

I therefore, think its just a good thought, to have a stock-name for a bf and gf, that you can use to cover yourself in this scenario. Ideally a real friends name, but someone you don't see too often... for even more security,, you can add that you dont really talk to this person THAT much, and that they dont like talking about it, just to give yourself extra-security so not to be discovered as a PUA.

I hope this information is useful, to help maintain your credibility after having successfully used common-openers like the shady friend, as detailed above.

Thanks and Happy PU'ing!

Picard Out.

Hustler25 24-11-2009 03:34 PM

Well done on your successes mate.

However I disagree with this. By doing this you are just digging yourself into a hole and getting caught up into a web of lies, as time goes on this lie will become harder and harder to contain. Surely it is better to be genuine right from the start.

Opinion openers are fine to get you started and initiating conversations with people but they are inauthentic. If I was you i'd just be straight with her and say what you said was just a line to start a conversation with her. She'll respect you more for that in the long run rather than 'leading her down the garden path'. Keeping this up is just going to get messy.

picard 24-11-2009 11:49 PM

tbh i actually agree with you guys, and can see what you mean, over-complication may make this case become more prone to disaster than keeping things simple and genuine...

i guess my point here, is more suggestive. If what you're wanting is perhaps less important and you just want to keep an option open with a shag-partner, its something an AFC may wish to consider...

i think when i hit the one i want, i will deffo become more genuine, and im confident that i can succeed with my own authenticity alone, however, until then, im just enjoying success by whichever means it comes.



nova 25-11-2009 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 11038)
I talked about loving custard in my first chat with a girl I've now been seeing for nearly a year. She still brings me a tub of posh custard when she comes around, which I greedily wolf down. Imagine if I'd read somewhere about the custard routine but didn't really like it. Who can be arsed to live their life like that.

I love both these thoughts! First the real life thought of you gorging on custard while she watches on, and the idea that you'd force it down your neck just to get laid.

Mycroft 25-11-2009 05:58 PM

Just tell her you thought she was cute so, you made up some shit as an excuse to talk to her.

She'll probably think its sweet, actually.

Don't do it as if you're apologising. If she gives you any grief about it; give her a cheeky smile and say she knew it was bullshit too, she just wanted to talk to you.

And there is nothing wrong with using a line to open. You just have to make them your own.

Shark 26-11-2009 04:40 AM

Agreed - when I started out in the bars in the West-End of London it was all about remembering routines and back stories etc and I never had time to work on the set after I had opened because I was too busy thinking of everything. Openers are good - great in fact - I know some people here don't like using them, but I do and everyone works differently; but they are openers - just a line to get you into a set...don't try and maintain them because as has been said you'll be forever tripping over yourself trying to remember what you've told each different girl.

Me and Sky love using openers so much now that we try and give each other the worst ones we can think of to use - or the cheesiest...at the end of the day openers are just something to start a conversation...so however you do it, get opening and then get closing ;-)

nova 26-11-2009 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Shark (Post 11107)
Me and Sky love using openers so much now that we try and give each other the worst ones we can think of to use - or the cheesiest...at the end of the day openers are just something to start a conversation...so however you do it, get opening and then get closing ;-)

That's a the perfect attitude to using cheesy openers. You are doing it for self amusement with your mate so it's done for fun! If you did the cheesy openers seriously and genuinely believing they were smooth and swauve then you would probably get brushed off (unless done in tongue in cheek). Attitude and behaviour is critical, words irrelivant.

P.S. has anyone seen that phone advertisment with the guy looking for a chat up line on his internet phone? He goes through some directory of Chat Up Lines and picks one out. He then goes to the hot girl to use it and does it in a stupid manner, tripping up in an amusing way... and she laughs. This is a great example of the intricacies of how the words don't mean sh*t and the attitude, whether funny or smooth, mean everything.

Shark 26-11-2009 04:28 PM

Exactly - it is like on of the openers listed on one of these posts which mentions the 'Dating for Dummies' book - approach a girl at a bar and make eye contact, get the book out in her plain sight and read a cheesy line to yourself, lower the book and say it to her - I can see this really getting a good laugh if done right - I will get round to trying this one day :-)

And thanks Nova, you got what I was trying to say...as I posted in my last field report; getting closes or numbers to me is secondary now I've found a good Wing - we go out and just enjoy the interaction, the debrief after each set and making up/trying new lines. Before I found you guys a night out with a mate trying to chat to girls and getting blown out would end up with me at home also tearful with self-pity ('why aren'ty I good enough' bla bla) but now I am Gaming it doesn't matter - the fun is in the appraoches and thinking on your feet, trying new routines - even trying to stich up your Wing when he is mid-set (we set rules before we go out). It all helps to hone techniques and gives us a great night out -we will never again have a 'failed' night out as we are always learning :-)

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