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Mycroft 03-11-2009 06:04 PM

The girl you're not into.
Any advice for dealing with a situation where a girl you have no interest in is trying to pull your attention away from your target?

A while back my friend and I went out to meet a girl he had number closed weeks before. He had, met up with, and lost interest in her, since then so she was fair game to flirt with. She brought a friend with her but since neither of us were into her either we all just settled in and had a drink.

As we got drunk I flirted with her, cas, well, she is cute. She asked me to go outside for a smoke with her a few times. She was pretty drunk at this stage and made it v clear she was interested in me. Unfortunately the drunker she got the less attractive she got. She started making comments about people around us far too loudly and talking bollocks to randoms. I got bored and hit the bar.

I dropped some coins while paying and, being me, blurted out some swear words. A, nice, tippsy, blond at the bar asked where my accent was from. I, of course, made her guess and got into a conversation. I was still building repore when the drunk turned up. She grabbed my arm, started asking questions, and did everything sort of pissing on my leg to mark her territory.

I then spectacularly failed to merge the two conversations. I felt it would look rude and kind of desperate to the target if I ignored the drunk. But was then stuck talking to her. The target would turn to face her friends meaning I had to blatantly reopen her if I wanted to talk to her again.

I got rid of the drunk eventually but by then looked like a chode with no reason to be standing there, so left.

I'm sure similar situations come up for peeps on here a fair bit; so any advice on dealing with those situations where a chick you are not into gets into your set and gets in the way?

nova 03-11-2009 10:35 PM

Tricky senario for sure. But I guess you did manage to get rid of the obstacle so it was just a matter of reopening the target girl to carry on the interaction. You just got phased and choded out thinking too much about it all and how you might look, etc. If anything the obstacle gave you value as she may have been seen to be chasing you... hardly a bad thing in the eyes of the girls who are seeing this happen.

You just need to plough on with it mate as soon as you can. If not possibly take a breather and reopen the target later.

db x 04-11-2009 12:12 AM

Yeah i second nova on the whole using her as social proof thing.
Maybe next time you come up with this situation try to play with it a little...
Have some fun trying to make the one your interest in jealous if you have built any level of attraction...

You've just gotta take the mind set that you have nothing to loose... if the drunk goes then atleast your clear to re-open, if the blonde doesn't get jealous then she's just gonna return to her friends and you can come back. But if she does get jealous... then your in for some fun...

I'm fairly new but thats how i would play it...

.db x.

Tom 04-11-2009 09:04 AM

I third novizzle on this from what you have said it sounds like you could have just gone up and talked to her. She'd probably think you were super confident to still come and talk to her after dealing with the drunk girl. Fuck conventions you see a girl you like you go for it!

Mycroft 04-11-2009 09:08 AM

Thanks guys. This is a tricky area for me, I do still feel bad pawning off a girl who is into me.

Also, in this situation, I was viewing her as a drunken idiot who was lowering my value - trying to hide her from the target - when I should have used her as the cute girl she is, to higher it.

Ah well, practice.

nova 04-11-2009 09:18 AM

Indeed sir. At the same time try not to think too much about her as anything that might affect your value either way. Forget being concerned with how you 'look' to other people, especially as a result of the company you are with at that moment in time. Don't be judgemental of the image of yourself. Be your own man, you are in control.

RobboRobson 06-11-2009 12:57 PM

on a similar topic, I had it recently, where a girl really liked me and had told all her friends this but i had no interest in her at all and all her friends were really hot and wanted to crack onto them.
How can you then get round this? As it was a similar situation as mycrofts!

Summer Junky 06-11-2009 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by RobboRobson (Post 10245)
on a similar topic, I had it recently, where a girl really liked me and had told all her friends this but i had no interest in her at all and all her friends were really hot and wanted to crack onto them.
How can you then get round this? As it was a similar situation as mycrofts!

Doesn't sound like there's anything to get round! Unless you'd fucked her then that would be a little different...I suppose :)

RobboRobson 06-11-2009 01:44 PM

she was a big girl so i needed to get round her!! It would have taken ages mind! lol!

RobboRobson 06-11-2009 01:49 PM

That reminds me of one of the fat jokes in the Nutty Professor

"your mother's so fat, after sex I roll over twice, and I'm still on the bitch"

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