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Blanca 29-10-2009 12:18 PM

Boring Girls and their Borefriends
For anyone who hasn't read my field report yet, I'm talking about those girls absolutely everyone has met. They're everywhere (at least, they are at Bristol Uni). They're the ones that are smoking hot, but are utterly, utterly boring. They have nothing to say, no conversational skills and no social personality. All they have is looks and intelligence (they're almost always doing something academic like Medicine), and always, always have the token boyfriend whom they've been with for years. Don't get me wrong, they're often nice people but aren't outgoing or socially adaptive at all. I, as always, have a theory.

I reckon these girls realise that because of their looks and lack of real personality, no guy is going to take them seriously or want a proper relationship with them. So when they come across a guy who does, they cling to him for dear life as a sort of validation thing, to cover up their very obvious lack of confidence in themselves (hence the lack of conversational and social skills).

The question is, supposing we can find a good way to chat up these girls (because let's be honest, they're amongst the hardest to chat up) where do you guys stand on tearing girls away from their boyfriends? To be honest, I always took the view that if I don't know the guy, or he's clearly a cunt in some way (my definition of this is very broad) then I have no issues whatsoever in sleeping with a taken woman.

However, in light of my flatmate being absolutely devastated after discovering her boyfriend has been cheating on her for the entirety of their 9 month relationship, I've rapidly changed my tune with regards to real people who happen to have boyfriends.

These boring girls though...they might be dull and taken, but damn they're hot...



Hustler25 29-10-2009 01:37 PM

Personally I'm not that comfortable trying to get with girls who have boyfriends. However if they genuinely aren't enjoying or satisfied with the boyfriend they have then I see no problem with rescuing a 'damsel in distress' after all this is the gentlemanly thing to do. Most guys when they find out a girl has a boyfriend will eject, they take the statment 'I have a boyfriend' at face value and assume it's game over.

I guess the thing to do is ask questions of this relationship, elicit emotions from her regarding her relationship and then from there calibrate how strongly she feels about the relationship. Get her to talk about her boyfriend, listen to how she talks about him, is this in a positive light or a negative light??

Never ever disrespect or say anything negative about the boyfriend or judge him in anyway. If you do this, regardless even if she is unhappy in her relationship with the boyfriend she will most likely back him up and stick up for him making you look like a total dick. Talk postively about the boyfriend whenever you can and if she starts to say something like 'Yeah he's alright, but he does this, this and this which annoys me'. Then you have more of a picture about her current relationship and can proceed with caution
instead of turning and bailing whenever you see a percieved red light.

Tom 29-10-2009 02:16 PM

I haven't come across that many really boring girls, maybe it's the kind of girls I go for? I don't go for slutty looking girls.
I don't usually go for girls with boyfriends either but I got facebook names off a few but never numbers though, so if you are desperate to get with one then ask for facebook.
If a girl is prepared to cheat on him then it's probably because he either isn't treating her right or something's wrong in the relationship or she is a shit girlfriend.

The only time I've cheated is in a relationship that was going to end (she was off travelling) and she'd been messing me about. I didn't go out looking for it, it came to me I still felt shit about it and told her. We ended up sorting things out and we're still friends but never again! I felt really shit for a long time because of it. If i'm in a relationship that means no cheating or I might as well be single.

trainspotter 29-10-2009 02:45 PM

Bristol uni good for girls tho mate?

Think its going to be my 1st choice for a university. My others are leeds, LSE, warwick and manchester ( Which seems popular in this forum), i reckon they'll be less of these types of girls at leeds and manchester.

Hustler25 29-10-2009 02:50 PM

I can vouch for Manchester after spending 6 years of uni there, that the place is full of stunning totty. After living both in the south and north of the country the old stereotype of 'Northerners being more friendly' rings true.

Tom 29-10-2009 03:04 PM

The good thing about manc is there's 3 uni's or is it 4? Didn't 2 merge?
So there are ton's of women about most nights of the week

Blanca 29-10-2009 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by kowalski (Post 9667)
Currently when a girl tells me she has a boyfriend I'm
in a 'What a strange thing to announce?', or 'I have a brown sofa' type mindset. Unless I've tried to kiss her and she's said 'I can't because I have a boyfriend' I think it is a pretty random thing to say.

You've got a good point here. Some girls (the drunk girl from my course for example) mention it far too early and at an inopportune moment, leaving you thinking "oh that's nice, whilst we're making random statements of fact, we have a cat called Juan". For me, making this statement this early only says one thing: "I'm trying to get this in early so if I end up being attracted to you/giving you my number it's your fault since I already told you I have a boyfriend".

As for them being too much work, I agree again. The problem is (believe it or not) the type of girls that are actually fun to chat up are few and far between, especially students. Maybe it's a southern thing. Southerners (most Bristol students are from London and Surrey) do tend to be less chatty and friendly and are harder work to talk to. Ordinarily I'd say fuck 'em, but this doesn't leave me with a lot of choice! Besides, don't forget I'm after anything but a relationship so personality isn't important. I think it'll be about picking out the fit ones that are either unhappy in a relationship or are single and finding a way of chatting them up. Maybe just do a Juggler and power through!

Trainspotter, I definitely recommend Bristol as a place to come to university. It's a freaking wicked city. The uni is a bit gash though - high up on the league tables but only because it's a well-established, "red brick" uni. In terms of student support and satisfaction it's fucking awful. Girl wise it's good, but there are far too many girls that could come under the umbrella of "boring/with a borefriend". I'd put it down as a choice, but if you get the choice, go to Leeds. My mate lives up there and is having the time of his life.

picard 03-11-2009 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Blanca (Post 9660)
F I'm talking about those girls absolutely everyone has met. They're everywhere (at least, they are at Bristol Uni). They're the ones that are smoking hot, but are utterly, utterly boring.

I think i know the type you are on about, and yes, difficult as they are so defensive, and you kind of feel lame fialing in initiaitng good conversation with them, just their negatitvy seems to be parried off onto you...

anyways, it is frustrating, and i think youre theory isnt unreasonable to beleive, because they always seem to have boyfriends, and if you ever get to see them, they don't really seem to have much charisma/impressiveness about them, which i find frustrating as it goes against everything you would expect about attracting fit women. Perhaps they did just go for their first offer, for that security they thought they lacked....?

An idea for the abrupt 'i have a boyfriend'. becasue it is very blunt, blatant and conversation-destroying, i think my immediate comeback, would be 'i have a girlfriend' be really happy about it, then talk about your 'fake' relationship, saying how hard it is being awya etc etc, and gradually give her the notion that your not satisfied or craving soem excitement elsewhere, and perhaps that will coax her into saying the same....?

possible option??


Chumpzilla 03-11-2009 02:30 PM

I second the leeds notion, man that place had so much pussy when my mate was at leeds met. It was unreal, some of my best nonchalant pre-game action came from there.

Summer Junky 03-11-2009 04:14 PM

Naturally, being a hardcore yorkshireman, i would have to say that Leeds shits on the faces of every other city in the UK, HA!

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