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Hustler25 21-12-2012 11:49 AM

Epiphanies and Eureka! moments
Gentlemen, I'd like you to share some of your epiphany and Eureka! moments, when did you notice things clicking into place? begin getting successes? begin to see the 'Matrix' etc... What conclusions did you come to? and have these conclusions been the basis of your game thereafter?

For me personally back in 2009 when I first met Kowalski and Jynx that was a huge turning point. Nova and I had been studying, reading, watching and trialing routine based game, it was all we knew. It was a safety blanket for us but at the same time also a shackle because the intricacies of it all and the need to remember so many lines/routines made it overly complex and burdensome.

Kowalski and Jynx showed us another way, being Socially Awesome! For Nova and I this was a real shake-up to our reality, a head-fuck initially but slowly the shackles began to release themselves.

However my greatest epiphany I probably owe to Jaz, I was out with the guys one night in Manchester and I was still clinging on to using indirect openers, the thought of going direct made me feel like i'd have to combat AA all over again! Jaz took me to one side pointed out a girl to me at the bar in white figure-hugging dress and he asked me what I thought of her.

I said,'she's hot'
'Go and tell her so' Jaz told me.

I froze with fear, after some deliberating I went over and told her so. It wasn't a great approach I was stiffled in my delivery, I didn't have full belief in my own honesty. She thanked me for my compliment....I shuffled away.

However the sense of accomplishment was epic, being honest and open with your intentions to girls, really isn't that bad after all!!!

I'd love to hear the stories from other guys here. Routine based game, Direct, Natural or otherwise please share those moments with us when things just 'clicked'.

db x 21-12-2012 01:03 PM

I find you can have the same epiphanies multiple times as we lose focus and forgot them although they seem to be disguised as logic I think they may be emotional or something else as we wouldn't forget pure logic.

Would say my biggest one was also back in 2009 had quite a big 'whoa I'm in the matrix' month or so after watching the secret and deciding to look through all the evidence for it, needless to say that was a long time ago and although the concept still resonates with me I don't find it quite as I once did..

My eureka moment is here, reading back my posts feel narrow minded but hey I was 18 and seeing the matrix.. http://www.puaforums.co.uk/off-topic...d-imagine.html

Most recently I was having troubles with my text game and without knowing was being massively outcome orientated and could barely cope between receiving texts. I read some stuff about open loops which should have clicked but didn't until I tried meditation to make my mind "shut the fuck up". Needless to say once it did everything clicked and I just realized I dont give a shit and if anything I learned that what I was going through was ultimately how you want them to feel.

Been learning about diffrent philosophies this week this always gives me the odd small epiphany, really been enjoying researching David Hume and his skepticism thoughts as I liked it blowing holes into Descartes "Cogito ergo sum"..

Not all really pickup related however Im always having mad success when I am in a 'matrix mode'


Hustler25 24-12-2012 02:48 PM

I'm currently feeling as if I am on the cusp of something and that is a feeling of indifference. I've recently been watching the blueprint again and Tyler talks about between being in a position of neediness/anxiety and aiming towards total mastery/abundance you first need to reach indifference as the mid-way point.

I don't feel I am at the destination of complete indifference from outcome but I can see it just on the horizon. As I write this I feel mixed emotions of excitement and anxiety as I prepare to head out this Christmas eve, it's an odd cocktail. However I feel I have a greater control of my anxiety now than I've ever had, I can locate where it resonates within my body. If I dwell on it I can allow it to grow and poison me into not taking action or I can acknowledge it's there play with it a little bit, tease it, shrink it and put it back in it's box.

Other concepts I am currently working on and allowing to percolate are those of, self-amusement and allowing the state of happiness to come from within. The latter will require more work and de-tangling of my ego to expose and come to terms with old wounds before I begin to make great strides here.

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