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Guest 12-07-2011 06:49 AM

Well I measured my bellylast night, 50cm.
I measured it this morning, 45cm. How can I lose 5cm overnight?
I weighed 13 stone 2lbs last night and this morning.

Tonight I plan on cycling to the gym, doing 10 mins HIIT on treadmill, do an all out weights session and cycle home..

Then tomorrow is rest day as I have a hot date! So tomorrow I will focus on push ups, ab crunches in various styles, and if I can find it, do some skipping!

daleinthedark 12-07-2011 01:31 PM

Yeah weight isn't the best measure of getting fit etc. unless you have scales which do bodyfat.

I'd recommend measuring yours waist, chest and arms and take pics like you said. Do it at the same time, usually mornings when you get up just after you go for a piss, hop on the scales then as you'll get a more accurate measurement and chances are you'll only be in your skids and you wont have had clothes constricting and food/drink bloating you.

I run on the road/beach using Vibram 5fingers which are really nice once you're used to them. I love it because i live by the sea the sun, the rain and I'm planning for a marat

Drinking lots of water stops you feeling as hungry and it helps wait loss and temperature control - a bit like a car engine, the more watter there is the more temperature and substances can dissapate.

Guest 12-07-2011 03:38 PM

Okay change of plan today, as it is raining and shit weather, I am driving to the gym..
Guna work so hard tonight so I feel sick!
My plan is:
All out weights sesh for upper and lower body,
Then elliptical for 20 mins HIIT (I've only been doing ten, not enough!)
Then blast out some ab crunches with added weight

I've just realised though, after reading many many fitness posts on various websites, that I've been completely binging on the weekend. This is clearly not helping me. I need to limit myself to one unhealthy meal on the weekend, not use the entire day to eat shit.

My 2 week plan isn't really going to work either because it is my 21st birthday next week, so I am getting smashed out my face for 5 days straight.. but even so, I am working harder now up until next wednesday, then after my week of drinking, I am on a serious mission to lose this fat.

I've decided I don't care about bulking anymore, I just want to focus on cutting. As it is hard to do both. I also realise that I've been eating quite a lot of calories, I need to lower it a little, my BMR is 1950, obviously I should add some for my training but even so.

Phil 12-07-2011 06:38 PM

Jib The Fruit, Its Full Of Sugar

Refl3x 12-07-2011 08:40 PM

fruits may contain simple sugars, well unless its a bananna but its also full of phytonutrients which are amazing for your immune system and overall health

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