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Snake Eyes 08-05-2011 06:22 PM

Masked Madness!
I went to a Masquerade Ball last night for my friend’s Birthday last night! It was fun, sexy and girls outnumbered guys. Fantastic! London folk – we are going next time, you’ll love it! Take a look:


Anyways here’ my night:

Started off in a foul mood. Was hungover and very introverted from night before (which is another issue I will shortly be asking advice on). I was in the sort of mood where I knew I wasn’t going to pull and didn’t want to socialise. However, as I was getting ready I changed my mind set to ok I feel like this, why don’t I just accept it and practise being sociable with my friends when I’m like this. You know what it worked…

So joined in with my flat mate and her friends who were playing drinking games. Was fun and I really perked up. By the time we got to the club I was feeling very sociable and felt quite sexy, especially as I was 1 of only 2 guys in a party of 8.

Straight away I was quite chatty. Just speaking to everyone. We all given tulips and I was joking around with people been silly as mine was all pale and droppy. It was easy to open as all I needed to say was nice mask or some comment about girl’s outfits. I spied a corset hottie at the bar, opened her and told her I thought she looked sexy as hell (she was). She responded well.
I then found a carrot and was again been silly just giving it to the girls in our group or randoms. As girls out-numbered guys I was getting the attention an attention seeking whore like myself craves.

Went outside for a bit to cool down and go to the shop. April Snake Eyes would have been very mad if he had seen me as I looked into my reflection. I had a fag in mouth, a beer in my right hand and a red bull in the left. Oh well, I waited 30 days for this….

Spent some time learning the Waltz and just taking it in turns to dance with the girls in our group. First pull came with one of these girls. We were just dancing and started kissing.

‘We shouldn’t be doing this!’ she said

‘yeah we should.’

‘No we really shouldn’t! Gingers shouldn’t pull each other! (really made me laugh as I feel this when I pull red heads.)

‘Don’t worry I got condoms. We won’t have no ginger babies or anything’, which she found funny.

We carried on pulling for a bit, but dies down after we re-engaged with group so I went off to find some more fun.

Spied the corset hottie I had spoken to earlier. We went out for a cigarette and I killed it! I gave her boring chat, trying to get to know her which was stupid. I should have just treated her like other girls and been silly and sexual. Should have just tried to pull her. We were both in a sexy role play and we really didn’t care about this getting to know each other malarkey! She was hot as hell and this really annoys me as she wanted me too! Her tits were fantastic! Anyway we danced for a bit, but I could feel the sexiness had vanished so I ejected thinking maybe I could re-ignite later rather than chode myself out further.

Spoke to and danced with sexy Leeds girl for a bit who seemed into me. Was really weird though. We were getting real close and she said ‘this is going to sound like a cheesy come-on, but do you work-out?’ Then suddenly out of no-where her friend came over and was like I’m going to leave you to it, but she said ‘no I’m coming with you’ in a manner like she really didn’t want to be around me. Really don’t know what I did wrong here? Maybe I was obnoxious or something when she was feeling my arms. I was quite drunk, but really feel I missed a social que here. I think I’m usually quite socially aware. I'm pretty sure she wasn't just piss-taking as well.

Anyway chatted to a hot Indian girl outside, but I used the old boring what do you do question question why don’t I just hand you my balls I won’t be needing them question interview style chatting which is lame as hell. Must stop doing this!

Went back to my friends. Felt a bit lame as the Red head seemed to be getting it on with someone else. Oh well. We would look silly having sex anyway. Like 2 polar bears or something.

Starting to feel even more lame now as I was all on my own and still annoyed about corset hottie. Saw a blondie sitting on her own. Fuck it, 1 more set I thought. Just sat down and chatted. She was a Czech. She found it funny that all my clothes were all ripped up. Earlier I did my old rip my shirt open on the dance floor thing. This time with a shirt with buttons – opps. Expensive habit I’m developing there!

I sensed boring chat coming again. Scared I might lose her I just grabbed her and kissed her instead. Worked a treat. We pulled like teenagers for a bit and got up and left. I noticed I’d left half my clothes lying round the club so quickly went to retrieve them. Very anxious and aware that my Czech girl buying temperature was reducing at an alarming rate!

It had gone down a bit and she was now worrying about me coming back with her and also she remembered she was on the blob. Anyways I got on her night bus anyway (classy mo fo I am!).

She kept asking me to get off the bus and telling me I definitely wasn’t coming back to hers. I said it would be a wasted of my Oyster if I did (bit of a lie – I have a travel card), I am going to stay with her. She kept on putting on resistance and to be honest I was drawing a thin line between flirting and stalking. I’m surprised no one kicked me off the bus!

Anyway I eventually got her charmed again through sheer persistence more than anything. Also I said look, we don’t have to have sex, but I’ve only just met you and if I go now we’ll probably never see each other again and that would be a shame. This was from something Jaz said in a very old post – so thanks for that!

When we got to hers she had changed her attitude quite a lot. Unfortunately I couldn’t have sex with her as she wasn’t lying about being on the blob, but I did get an old fashioned and came on her tits which was nice.

When I left today she was very glad I stayed and seems to like me quite a lot. She is pretty, but unfortunately her body isn’t quite as good as advertised (damn corsets!).

Also seem to be having sex with little blondies each weekend now! Kind of want a busty Latino or something soon. Shouldn't complain though, is better than a Pot Noodle and a wank....

Lessons Learnt

1. If you’re in a bad mood, just accept it and go with the flow. Do not wallow in your own self pity which is what I did to begin with. Sometimes something will click. It did on this night. Don’t resist, take right action!

2. Group of girls gives you massive social proof. Sort of already knew this, but maybe us London lot should start inviting girls on our nights out or something?! There was a point where I was just dancing with girls in my group pushing them away and dancing with another. Felt very sexual and confident whilst doing this.

3. So annoyed about hot French girl in a Corset! She was so hot and wanted to pull me! Next time I do boring chat I need to just get into a role play or dance with the or something. Anything that isn’t like a Barclays Bank Meet and Greet!

4. This night is amazing! Going again. Dressing up is cool and makes it so easy to chat to girls.

5. I somehow managed to get back to hers when she was saying no. I know I joked about stalking but in reality I completely read between the lines. Even though her words were saying 1 thing her eyes and body language were saying another. Look out for this. Sometimes girls just need to go through the motions of resistance.

Maxemillion 08-05-2011 07:55 PM

Long post but I actually didnt notice, well written + good content. I think its key if you are in a bad mood to know that it is possible to be in a good mood. Rather than get stuck in a loop, try to find something that will entertain you. PUA is awesome for this. Interesting on resistance, I think thats the leap of faith that I've got to master. When I see a girl I like I know I can talk to her, probably kiss her, maybe move her around locationally a bit, but in terms of getting her to a prolonged sexual state and taking her to a house to fuck I havent yet worked that bit out.

markuk 08-05-2011 08:02 PM

Good post snake eyes, getting into those interview type question and answers is so easy but so boring. As soon as I do it I actually bore myself so I can only guess what the girl is thinking...

Rebus 08-05-2011 08:17 PM


I then found a carrot and was again been silly just giving it to the girls in our group or randoms. As girls out-numbered guys I was getting the attention an attention seeking whore like myself craves.
does the carrot have a name? Jasper?

Awesome. If we all go to the next Masquerade Ball then I want to have:
One of us with a load of carrots stringed together in a necklace
One of us with a load of onions (French style) stringed together in a necklace
One of us with a load of bananas stringed together in a necklace
One of us with a load of parsnips stringed together in a necklace

AJay 08-05-2011 09:36 PM

Problem i would have with putting up the persistance like you did is the fact i would be like this "well fuk you then, your loss" and then id just fuck off. I think ive missed out on a good few lays because of this, so next time i think i might try and be a little bit more persistant..... not 2 persistant thoh as im sure theres a fine line !!


AJay 08-05-2011 09:37 PM

Problem i would have with putting up the persistance like you did is the fact i would be like this "well fuk you then, your loss" and then id just fuck off. I think ive missed out on a good few lays because of this, so next time i think i might try and be a little bit more persistant..... not 2 persistant thoh as im sure theres a fine line !!


Snake Eyes 08-05-2011 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by AJay (Post 45135)
Problem i would have with putting up the persistance like you did is the fact i would be like this "well fuk you then, your loss" and then id just fuck off. I think ive missed out on a good few lays because of this, so next time i think i might try and be a little bit more persistant..... not 2 persistant thoh as im sure theres a fine line !!


It's all about awareness and reading what they are saying non-verbally. There is NO I don't want to and no I don't think I should do that (but really I want to).

There is no way I would have got on the bus with her if she was the 1st category.

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