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Knave 05-01-2011 09:49 PM

20 year old with the 3 ugly sisters
Okay just got back from meeting one of my facebook girls in a bar, she brought 3 of her friends but I knew she’d do this she hardly knows me and I want her to feel comfortable. So I’m treating this just like opening a group, she shows up and it turns out she’s only 20 (only just), dealing with groups is something I seriously lack experience in. It starts well, I get hugs from all (very friendly bunch), they seem happy that there friend has got herself a potential bf, I get social proof from my expensive watch, there each nodding with satisfaction, its all going well for about the first minute.

Then it starts, okay the problem here is 16 years difference between us (probably 10 in real terms because I look far younger) and I’m fielding serious assaults on the subject and not just direct they start joking with each other, pretty easy stuff when you’re used to crowd control but I’m not, one to one is where I’ve cut my teeth, not groups. I ignore some and change subject on others and make comments like chris evans and billy piper 16 years difference but now I’m starting to sound desperate, I look across at my girl and notice she seems embarrassed.

Since I don’t drink and game now i have this small galss of coke which i’m drinking when thinks turn ugly as my disguised uncomfortable BL gesture, my once excellent BL has now in the gutter and got me nervously drinking. After about 15 minutes, i’ve drained my glass and now standing there with an empty glass, I should just put it down and carry on but I need a breather to rethink how I can salvage this, so I say i’m going to the bar.

This is when they pull the mother hen shit and say they are heading off to another bar, guess who wasn’t formally invited. So she gets scooped up and they head for the toilet, I head to the bar decide to stay for a while and see if I can get some practice in tonight.

I’m stood at the bar looking for targets, I watch them leave and my girl detours the door to come and see me, she tells me where they are going next and says it should be a laugh I should come. Surprised is not the word. I say I’ve arranged to meet someone here but maybe head over later. I’ve not made any arrangements and definitely don’t fancy another round of dad jokes, I finish my drink and decide I’ve lost the stomach of PU tonight so head home.

I have to say whilst driving home I start to think that maybe the age gap was too much. I don’t normally go for such a big gap, to be fair I’d put her 25 If didn’t know, anyway I’m home with a beer and I get a txt about 10pm saying that they are heading off after the next drink am I still coming. I’ve not replied yet.

This has thrown me slightly I know she’s interested and if I do this again I need to make sure the ugly sisters don’t put in an appearance. 36 year old and a girl who’s 20 is this wrong?

Rabbid 05-01-2011 10:00 PM

Why does an expensive watch give you social proof?

Dude its all just a shit test, it doesn't need to affect you. If the girl is 20 and likes you and your way older so what? Whos leading here you or them?

Knave 05-01-2011 10:12 PM

I'm not disagreeing in fact thats exactly what I wanted to hear, but I suppose its just the way society sees it, I couldn't give a feck what people think about me but I really don't want to be classed as cradle snatcher. That would suck.

Oh the the watch thing is probably nothing it falls into the nice clothes, car bracket, that effect that women like when they feel they have someone successful, I forget the PUA phrase.

Midas touch 05-01-2011 10:15 PM

go for it, if she's offering it up.

CovertOperation 05-01-2011 10:25 PM

Knave, mate, please stop it with the Facebook stuff. Seriously mate. Just stop it. I cringed my way through that whole report. It was horrible to read.

Grow a pair, and get out and approach girls in real life. The Facebook thing is just weird mate. Totally weird. Are you really surprised that some girls weren't impressed with a 36 year old bloke who chats up a 20 year old girl on Facebook? Are you actually surprised that they made jokes about you?

Stop doing this Facebook stuff, and get out and approach real women, in the real world. None of that was impressive. Mate whats impressive about sitting behind your keyboard chasing 100+ women across Facebook?

You know what Knave - you could post 100 detailed field reports on here of your experiences with all these girls you've added on Facebook, successful and failures. And then some newbie could come on here and post about a nervous as hell first night out, when he had never approached a girl before in his life, and all night only managed to croak through a single canned opener which bombed and left him feeling like a twat.

You know who'd get more respect from me? The newbie, simply because he's got the balls to fucking go and do it for real.

Please, I am actually begging you, STOP IT with this Facebook shite.

Fox 05-01-2011 10:55 PM

what watch was it?

Knave 05-01-2011 10:58 PM

In all fairness its not half as bad as you make out. I spend 20 minutes a day after work catching up with emails, trying to get telephone numbers and hitting new targets. Mostly the age range is from 25 – 30. Ashley slipped through the net because she looks older. The big 150 FB girls project scheduled for feb is a one off test of ‘openers’.

FB is good to me I’m getting just short of one phone number a week, for less than an hours work in the comfort of my own home.

I totally admit I left myself wide open when I realised she was so young. They pulled me to pieces felt like a fucking pedo.

Tell you what. I’ll make deal with you.

I’ll not mention facebook ever again. EVER. I’ll simply just document field reports if I feel other members would benefit or get something out of them.

As for respect, I seriously wouldn’t worry about that mate , I’m really not trying to gain anyones respect on here.

TAG Monaco blue dial which tends to peacock a bit more than the black

Midas touch 05-01-2011 11:06 PM

I've got chicks through facebook, msn, skype, language exchange websites etc. I wouldn't rule it out. I still like to get out there loads though.

Why are you still here? I thought that bird wanted to see you.

Fox 05-01-2011 11:08 PM


BCB 06-01-2011 10:07 AM

Going to have to disagree entirely with CovertOperation here, and say that the facebook stuff doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Isn't the art of PU about taking a complete stranger and converting them to a close? Who's to say how and where that should be done. Like Midas said, I've got birds through all forms of locations; bars, clubs, public transport, facebook, PlentyofFish, Match, mutual friends, bookshops, Lush Cosmetics and even Primark. I don't care where the start is, whether online or offline if the result is the same.

End of the day, she agreed to go out with you, someone 16 years her senior, and then when her friends bantered you about the age, you crumbled.
There's two ways you can approach the age gap - positively or negatively. My flatmate is best part of 30 (as am I) and he's currently diddling an 18 year old, and the age banter happens all the time. Like I might say "we're going to blah blah blah today - do you want to come, or do you need your parents to sign a permission slip first?"

If you make jokes out of it all and show that you're unshakable, then they'll just go with it I find. If they don't and they take it personally, then they're probably not the kind of people you want to be going for anyway.

Seems to me that she's still interested (though blowing her off as she left may go down negatively), and if I were you I'd say something along the lines of "I had fun last night, though it would be nice to see you again without your bodyguards" (a line I've used a couple of times, and they always find the bodyguards bit amusing), and then go from there.

Keep us updated fella

Rabbid 06-01-2011 10:13 AM

Facebook is ok, but you sound like someone whos using it as an excuse not to get field experience. Without real life experience no matter how good your Facebook game is, as soon as you meet them you'll just get all the crap you experienced this time again because you won't know what you're doing.

Midas touch 06-01-2011 11:49 AM

I'm 33. I get with chicks who are ten years younger than me all the time.

My frame is that they love it!!! I tell my self that I am wiser, more worldly and head strong. I see myself as a challenge to them and if they want to view it as a little bit naughty that's cool too.

nova 06-01-2011 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 32910)
she brought 3 of her friends but I knew she’d do this she hardly knows me and I want her to feel comfortable. So I’m treating this just like opening a group

This Facebook game seems like damn hard work to me. Stop tip toeing online and get into the thick of it. The best thought you had in this story was staying in the bar to get some practice in. Do this instead.

Phil 06-01-2011 03:02 PM

knave, im on ur team mate, who needs to go out and do it face to face when u can do it online...

u all sound so stupid, when you realise the potential untapped in facebook... u can just spend hours lookin through profiles for ur perfect girl... u guys can leave it to chance

me and knave are real life go getters

nova 06-01-2011 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by Phil (Post 32971)
knave, im on ur team mate, who needs to go out and do it face to face when u can do it online...

...me and knave are real life go getters

I take it you're being sarcastic here Phil?

Knave 06-01-2011 03:16 PM

No, sarcasm has to be funny.;)

Less than 20 minutes a day, 20 minutes I don't know how many times I have to say this. Lets put it into a percentage:

Day game/Night Game 85%

Facebook 15%

Anyway I made a pledge not to mention FB so I'm staying clear of any future debates on this one, if you's wanna keep it running knock yourselfs out.

nova 06-01-2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 32975)
No, sarcasm has to be funny.;)

It was funny.

nova 06-01-2011 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 32975)
Facebook 15%

You talk about it 85% of the time though!


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 32975)
Day game/Night Game 85%

I think it would be more interesting to talk about this.

Phil 06-01-2011 03:42 PM

Knave, Read mysterys "SOCIAL NETWORK GAME" its all in there

aofelix 06-01-2011 05:11 PM

im not surprised they ripped you. end of the day, your 36 years old and chatting up a 20yo on the internet via fb.

desperate mate.

did you really think any of her friends would be impressed by that? add to that your obvious lack of decent social intelligence since you totally fucking flopped when talking in a group and you've got a recipe for disaster. i dont care if you're not used to talking to a group of young girls or whatever lame excuse u wanna come out. my uncle/dad can hold their own talking to my friends and take the old man/age digs just fine and dish them right back out.

sorry if im coming across blunt but you sounded like a dick when saying "im not looking for anyones respect here".

i think its fine doing stuff by FB if you have the shit to back it up. this field report proves you dont have the shit to back it up.

Midas touch 06-01-2011 08:14 PM

bit harsh boys.

Rabbid 07-01-2011 08:13 AM

Cruel to be kind?

Midas touch 07-01-2011 10:28 AM

or just a barrage of abuse?

nova 07-01-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by Midas touch (Post 33018)
or just a barrage of abuse?

No. Cruel to raise the facts. Why do you imagine the girls were giving him grief on their group date Midas? A one off? Perhaps the fact he hunted the girls down behind the facade of his monitor told them something about him, so he was always gonna be slated. Showing off his watch to them probably exacerbated the situation too. All in all fairly unattractive behaviour.

Knave 07-01-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Midas touch (Post 33018)
or just a barrage of abuse?

I think this borders abuse, funny isn’t it, kinda reminds me of preschool.

I tried, I really tried nobody can say I didn’t try. I started posting real field reports , i was planning on keeping the flow going by posting more, I’ve just completed 2 reviews of excellent books I think every PUA should own. I thought by posting more field reports of my experiences of breaking groups I might benefit others I’m out this weekend and was going to pen a few more Sunday. If I’m real honest i shared a pretty personal experience on here discussing Ashley the 20yr old. For a while we had some really sensibly comments flying about, some good advice but two pages in and were in the gutter again.

I've given it some thought as to why such a great concept which has been going all this time still has a such low membership and active contributors you can count on one hand, I went through the introductions pages and found a few answers there, but it doesn’t seem to have moved forward in over 12 months. The only free UK PUA on the net, should flooded with members, as a businessman I can’t help but be staggered by its lack of success.

Heads up to the guy that emailed me early this week and warned, he summed up this site very well, although he advised me to stick with it and I have to say at the time i thought I’d give it the benefit of the doubt, but sadly he was right.

It’s a shame I loaded £300 on to my paypal account for a donation it’s not a big deal for me (although i’m a tight arse, so a little out of character;)), I planned on giving it a few more days to see how things panned out, but hey its actually worked out better this way I don’t have to waste my time and money, I don’t even have even log in again, I still get to enjoy the benefits of reading the odd interesting post. Happy Days

I could go into a big rant but it’s simply not my style or even worth it but even after writing this I still strangely feel quite disappointed.

nova 07-01-2011 11:41 AM

Wow. Don't take all this so personally. If you're happy doing online game and feel it reaps the rewards you want then ignore our 'abuse'.

Rabbid 07-01-2011 11:41 AM

Yeah and I loaded a million pounds to give to the puppy dog place, until I found out they put one down. Don't even bitch about what you WOULD have done if we hadn't been so mean. Because now you're just gonna come across as full of shit.

Sounds to me more like you've got your fingers in your ears screaming LALALALA whenever someone points out you're doing it wrong. Because you've decided you know it all despite you seem to be unable to hold a real set at all.

Now your effort is good, and your enthusiasum is great but trying to be what you're not with just enthusiasum and effort without actually listening to advice and doing the CORRECT things you'll get no where.

Listen to people and try again you might get somewhere. Stop just reading books in the interwebs and thinking you're now a genius.

You remind me of Frank Grimes from the Simpsons who cracked and pretended to be Homer Simpson.. he got killed..

Phil 07-01-2011 12:35 PM

haha, knave, try goin back to some of the abuse i took :)

dont be a cry baby

Midas touch 07-01-2011 12:36 PM

Knave, this is actually a really fantastic forum. I've looked at many others and this is the most balls to the wall and honest. There is also some really sage advice on here as well as plenty of opportunities to learn from the mistakes of others.

When I first joined, I had a new arsehole torn out for me by the boys but something told me to stick it out and I am glad that I did. I got ripped on because my ego was getting in the way. I thought I knew what I was talking about but I was full of shit and bitterness.

This forum can be a school of hard knocks and I've seen it chew a few boys up and spit them out. But if you can take the pressure, once you find your feet it's great! I feel I have grown loads and really quickly. The guys on here are really friendly, they are just a no-bullshit bunch.

There are also some boys who join and don't get any shit at all. If you read their posts you understand why. They are modest and non ego driven. If you can be like this too, you will charm and disarm everybody, which is a great tool also for the real world.

Don't take yourself too seriously is key. We are all dust in the wind.

Phil 07-01-2011 12:37 PM

actually IM COMPLETELY EGO DRIVEN, and this is why my advice is better than anyone elses....

everyone is jealous of me knave. ask anyone

Midas touch 07-01-2011 12:42 PM

yeah, but the ego needs validation self esteem doesn't.

Phil 07-01-2011 12:45 PM

well then im mistaken in sayin i have a big ego, coz im not assed abar validation AT ALL, i must just have STUPID SELF ESTEEM

nova 07-01-2011 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Midas touch (Post 33034)
yeah, but the ego needs validation self esteem doesn't.

Hence the showboating.

Phenom 07-01-2011 01:53 PM

Hi Knave, im Marc welcome to the forum, we havent spoke on here yet. Read some of your posts man and i've just one question.


Midas touch 07-01-2011 01:56 PM

I know he's Piers147 in disguise.

Blanca 07-01-2011 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 32913)
Oh the the watch thing is probably nothing it falls into the nice clothes, car bracket, that effect that women like when they feel they have someone successful, I forget the PUA phrase.

Is it "golddigging whore"? That's the phrase I'd apply to any woman who was attracted to me because of my car or my watch. More fool her - my car is an Almera and my watch cost 20 quid from Argos.

Knave, I don't wish to flog a dead horse, but you'd do well to listen to alot of people on here. Some of the comments seem harsh (and a few are), but please understand we are trying to help. Any comments that seem a little impatient are borne out of a swathe of newbies coming on and asking idiotic questions like "there's this girl I like but she has 34DD tits - what should I do?!?!?!" so don't take it personally.

Rather, do what 90% of newbies don't do - stick around, man up and take our advice. You'll reap the rewards.

legend 07-01-2011 11:28 PM


Dont worry dude. Just do a search on Facebook on this forum (even go back as far as two years ago) and you will find that you are not the first and wont be the last to get slated, abused etc for using Facebook or Online Sarging. I got hammered in the early days for starting a thread on Facebook. And like you, time and time again, I was trying to put across the same argument that you did. I sarged online when I was at home for whatever valid reasons like having my kids staying over (and yes this was a very regular occurrence), I sarged at work, I sarged in the gym spa, in my local Sainsbury and when I headed out with the lads etc etc. And the funny thing was the one or two guys, who was against the whole Facebook thing, when asked how many girls they slept with since they joined the community came with a shocking number. Shame!!

As for the FB project you are doing, Im not sure the whole purpose of "testing an opener". If you need to open a new account (not fake account) solely for the purpose of PUA, by all means do it, as long as you use your photos and you are not hiding anything. But Im not sure what you mean by fake friends. Are they just random add?

Nova was right though. Best to write a field report of the 85% of your time in field to strike the right balance. Still you dont need to impress anyone. Whatever rocks your boat. There is no substitute for a field experience. I wont worry about being with a 20-year-old girl. There is no such thing about age gap. Who wont want to fuck any HOT girl as long as she is above the legal age limit? And who hasnt been in a situation with a group of girls (no matter what age) when you feel inadequate, you out of your depth etc etc?

Lastly, dont leave this forum. This is a great forum. Phil been abused so many times in the past but because he is thick skinned twat, he is still here and he actually does spice the forum up with his many threads.

Good luck!!

aofelix 08-01-2011 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by Knave (Post 33022)
I think this borders abuse, funny isn’t it, kinda reminds me of preschool.

I tried, I really tried nobody can say I didn’t try. I started posting real field reports , i was planning on keeping the flow going by posting more, I’ve just completed 2 reviews of excellent books I think every PUA should own. I thought by posting more field reports of my experiences of breaking groups I might benefit others I’m out this weekend and was going to pen a few more Sunday. If I’m real honest i shared a pretty personal experience on here discussing Ashley the 20yr old. For a while we had some really sensibly comments flying about, some good advice but two pages in and were in the gutter again.

I've given it some thought as to why such a great concept which has been going all this time still has a such low membership and active contributors you can count on one hand, I went through the introductions pages and found a few answers there, but it doesn’t seem to have moved forward in over 12 months. The only free UK PUA on the net, should flooded with members, as a businessman I can’t help but be staggered by its lack of success.

Heads up to the guy that emailed me early this week and warned, he summed up this site very well, although he advised me to stick with it and I have to say at the time i thought I’d give it the benefit of the doubt, but sadly he was right.

I feel a bit out of order with my post in hindsight mate. Its just "im not looking for anyones respect here" annoyed me a little (even though its standard not to want peoples on the internet's respect i guess, its just the way it came across and the fact it kind of undermines anyone who does reply since (well atleast I felt like) you didn't give a shit).

Also the fact people gave solid advice on why NOT to do the facebook stuff but you kind of just ignored it. All I really meant to say was, by the sounds of your field report you didn't seem too comfortable in your own skin when with this girl (and her friends). I think thats the danger with facebook etc. This whole 1o1 talking via the internet really does isolate you from the real world and the millions of other things which you have to take into account.

I'm not pro at this stuff at all but logically, I feel like its a big waste of your time going on facebook (even if its just an hour, there are so many better things to do with an hour IMO). If you're feeling out of your depth talking to a group of girls, facebook isn't really going to address that.

It could of been a bad day but it sounded to me a bit like you were used to the methodical/1o1 approach system. Then when you were thrown into a group (which is basically life), you flopped which is prob down to some of the rubbish which does come from these PUA books etc.

Also my close mate met his girl over facebook and took me with him the first term he met her. Its just standard incase she has friends who really are annoying.

top-hat 18-01-2011 02:40 AM

Personally I think if you want to do online do it, anything to get more comfortable interacting as long as there are regular meetups, but i also think you have to do cold approaching, as this is the way forward, maybe to backup your facebook game by taking photos, but by all means do not rely on facebook

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