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Maxemillion 24-11-2010 02:55 AM

CANNOT wait to tell you this
Guys I am seriously buzzing. I actually cannot wait to describe to you what I just did. I know you are going to be proud. I met Sam earlier for night game in Sheffers and actually opened two or three solid sets before he arrived. Spoke to one smokin' Irish girl who was like 'Irish people are rude but people in Sheffield seem much more friendly' (meaning me) Awesome. She told me she works nearby and said she'd be happy to see me again. Assume I opened several more sets... skip to the END;

We were clubbing in Babylon and Sam says he wants to go home. I decide before I leave I want one more set. I read to do this somewhere online. I walked up to THE hottest girl. Seriously, I'm calling her a nine but she was probably ten. Slim, amazing looks and hair, really confident. Seen her blow off some guy who was dancing with her for most of the night.

"Hi, you dance very well, my name is Dave"
"hi I'm Blahblah"
"I'm going home now, would you like to come?"

(4seconds of silent eyecontact, somehow I am holding her hand as well. She genuinely is considering it)
"mm ..I cant"
"thats OK I was just practicing anyway, nice to meet you. I'll come dance with you if I see you again"
"Cool" *Big smile* She looks really happy and flattered, and impressed.

I seriously feel like I've just smoked crack. Fucking awesome. Seriously THE most desirable girl in the club. awesome. wow. She was so fucking pretty.

Phil 24-11-2010 08:26 AM

Thats Called puttin ur cards on the table.... And to be fair mate... u do that 10 times it will work once


Phil 24-11-2010 08:27 AM

maybe next time finsish with... ill take ur number and we can re arrange

well done mate... boss :)

Midas touch 24-11-2010 08:41 AM

Well done Max, that's good to do in a club (see it helps to actually enter the damn place). I'm coming to Sheff for Xmas, so we'll go out one night. I'll be using the direct approach there, seeing as I'm never gonna see these chicks again.

PS Phil, I'll be in Liverpool for new year. I was telling my mate about you (who lives there). He's not a PUA (can't be arsed with it it) but he's quite a natural. Perhaps we could meet up if you're not too busy mate.

Phil 24-11-2010 09:56 AM

im djin on new year so your more than welcome to come to the bar...its classy as fuck.

the women are scorchin... all like 23 plus

on the docks.... so yeah more than welcome mate

Maxemillion 24-11-2010 01:41 PM

Cheers guys, yeah it would be cool to meet up and go out sarging. I always have fun when I go out, so even tho I consider my pull record el zilcho it doesnt really matter that we are on diff pua levels as it will definitely be a good time. I'm in Shef until about the 22nd of Dec and then have to stay with family near London. Honoured to be invited somewhere by Phil, thank you, probably wont be back for new year tho.

I actually felt at the time that I could have extended that set, with such a strong opener i could have spun her, playd a game like Lie5Times and then asked again or tried to K-close. I would have really liked to do that thing where you pull the hair on the back of her neck. She was fuck-hot. wow.

Maxemillion 24-11-2010 01:46 PM

O wait, misread the post. Not invited out by Phil. Well if for some reason I'm in Liverpool I'll harass you until we go out Sarging. It'll be like meeting the british Mystery...

Midas touch 24-11-2010 01:52 PM

Phil hates Mystery.

Wouldn't worry about levels. I'm not out to compete against people I go out on the pull with. Your mates help you. At the end of the day, the birds decide anyway.

Sometimes you just go out to have a laugh with the lads and then you see an opportunity.

Phenom 24-11-2010 03:36 PM

This is cool. Great job Maxemillion.

Ice 25-11-2010 07:36 PM

Nice one mate, that does take balls. Another positive reference experience for ya. Awesome!

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