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Snake Eyes 01-11-2010 11:58 AM

'5 a Day' Version 2
Hello Everyone

Thank you very much to everyone's kind comments on previous posts. I can now confirm that my break is over and today is the first day of my 2nd attempt at my '5 a day' challenge!!

For those of you who have not read my previous posts the '5 a day' thing is very simple really. All I have to do is 5 approaches for the next 30 days and see what happens. I pass if I do 5 or more each day. I fail if I don't and have to start again.

This time, however, I am going to introduce a few rules to stick by as I feel they will improve what I get out of the challenge. These are as follows:

1) Online approaches do not count - Obvious really. We all know they are bullshit and do not count. It takes no balls and the girls on there do not appear to be very attractive anyway (please correct me if I am wroing on this). This was why I failed last time, as instead of doing 5 approaches, I stayed at home because I was tired and messaged 5 people on a dating website.

2) Only 'attraction approaches' count - On a couple of occasions last time I used to try and get away with an approach by speaking to some ageing women in the Tesco queue or asking a Mother and daughter where a cash machine was (ironically 'approach 69'). I am not attracted to these people, so again they take no balls and do not count. I will still aim to be sociable to everyone and may even do warm up sets still, but it only counts as an approach if there is some sort of attraction there (from me to her). If I intially think a girl is hot, open and then decide I do not fancy her; this is ok, as I have still been through the process of opening a girl I find hot and therefore a bit intimidating!

3) I can not carry over approcahes - If I do more than 5 approaches, I can not carry them over to the next day. However......

4)If it looks like I'm going to get laid I can stop - We all know the ideal number of approaches on a night is right? Yep its 1. Therefore I have included this in case 1 of my 1st 4 approaches on a day go exceptionally well. Also, I expect to be going on a few dates etc this month (you would have hoped anyway!). I think its silly if I fail just because I am on a date and therefore don't approach. It is even sillier to avoid sex, so I can go out and do more approaches. However, I must be careful not to use this rule with current girls as an excuse to not go out and meet new ones! This will be carfully monitered haha!

4a) If the above rule does kick in I have to make up the remaining approaches in the next 48 hours!

Ok that's the paperwork out of the way, onto my intial thoughts/feelings and I'm on my way.....

Initial Thoughts
I have had a bit of a break, so my AA is back in a big way. I'm hoping this will be killed off very quickly, but the thought of going out today on my own to meet girls is terrifying. Also I am in a lot of pain from my race yesterday, so walking is difficult. I can feel myself trying to use this as an excuse not to go out already!

Furthermore it feels really weird and abnormal what I am doing. The last hour or so I have really been questioning if I should be doing this. It just doesn't feel normal! However, then I remember that normal is a medicore job, with a mediocre wife who you resent and feel slightly trapped by. Normal is going out on a Friday night drunkenly rolling around on a dance floor leering at women. Normal is to feel insecure when a beautiful woman speaks to you or some big alpha male puts you down. Most of the population is like this and therefore I guess by definition is 'normal'. I don't want to be normal! I want to be a fucking superstar!!!!

Right I'm off see you soon.......

Loke 01-11-2010 06:00 PM

Furthermore it feels really weird and abnormal what I am doing. The last hour or so I have really been questioning if I should be doing this. It just doesn't feel normal! However, then I remember that normal is a medicore job, with a mediocre wife who you resent and feel slightly trapped by. Normal is going out on a Friday night drunkenly rolling around on a dance floor leering at women. Normal is to feel insecure when a beautiful woman speaks to you or some big alpha male puts you down. Most of the population is like this and therefore I guess by definition is 'normal'. I don't want to be normal! I want to be fucking superstar!!!!

I toast you sir!

TallGuySlim 01-11-2010 08:47 PM

Eagerly waiting for your updates...

Snake Eyes 07-11-2010 10:42 PM

This has been quite an emotionally draining week!
So last time I left you. I had AA and was seriously questioning the whole PUA thing! The AA has gone, I am still questioning the PUA thing still, but I think that's due to the effects it is having on other areas of my life more than anything else. Anyway I will get onto that and may need some advice, but for now I'm sure you will want to know how the chellenge has been going, so lets play.....

Monday 1 Nov

I couldn't walk properly due to my run and had just had dental surgery. Forced myself to go out!

127) Street. Asked where Uni-Glow is to 2 Spanish girls. Was really to get rid of AA more than anything. Brief chat, not overly fit so left.

128) Street. Passed a hot girl working in a shop. Thought, go direct bitch. Went back and just as I was about to her boss walks over, so I say 'oh you don't sell mens' stuff here'. We laughed a bit and talked about tutus, but ultimately lame and a result of AA.

129) Street. You look lost. Looked scared.

130) Street. Right go direct bitch! I did. Fitty with a sexy shoulder showing. I told her she was cute and said it must the shoulder thing (was weakly delivered though). We got to introcuding each other, but she seemed to be getting more and more freaked out. Hmm said she was waiting for her BF and didn't like talking to strangers. This response was the reult of low confidence approach.

131) Cafe. Asked the time. Urrgghh! As you would suspect, not the most sexually charged of interactions!

Met my sister later who asked why I was smiling so creepily all the time! Hmm that will be the dentist work. That could explain the freaked outness earlier with 130)!!

Tues 2 Nov

Still feeling dejected about the whole thing, but is a new day!

132) Asked what fireworks displays are on this week and went into story about Victoria Park ones the year before! Guessed wrongly where she was from. language barriers so ejected.

Met a wing from here. First time meeting, so we went for a drink and chat first. Cool guy!

133) 2 set Bar, something about fireworks again. Asked if we could join them. They said yes. Good little interaction. Good little N close. My text game has ruined this later this week (will get onto this). I was 50:50 on meeting her for a date anyway though!

134) 3 set Bar fireworks. Teased her about not been a real girl and called her Pinocia! Logistics were wrong for my friend who was too far away from his. However, we did take them to the L Sq fairground and I went on this huge mental ride that went fucking high with Pinocia. It was awesome (the ride, not the girl or my game). I felt like I was in Space!! N closed after. She has flaked though. Again I think my text game ruined this. Its strange, I think I am quite a witty person and write quite well, but my text game sucks! I think this is because my texts are not me, they are over thinked bullshitty chode texts!

135) 3 set bar fireworks. Sit down. There was 1 fit one who gave me the goo, 1 mediocre one who I would do and a less attractive one too. My wing sat opposite the average one and I sat in between fit and doable. I was flirting well between the 2, I was with and playing them off against each other. They were sisters so this was easy. I guessed the fit one was the little sister as she was copying the body language of the other. They found this funny and got fitty riled up.
I could see my wing was trapped with average and I couldn't see how this was going to work if I isolated fitty, as doable would be left out and get pissed off. Also I wanted my wing to have a nice one too. I chatted more to doable one and my wing was chatting to fitty more. It ended up me creating quite a bit of raport with doable. I number closed her and I could see fitty was a little cheesed off by this. I had now created a pairing. Now I really liked my new wing here and was happy for him as he was building raport with fitty, but it was my set and I should have stuck with fitty, instead of settling for 2nd best. I must stress this was completely my own fault not my wings though! Should make a decision and stick to it!
Regardless we moved onto another next bar and I isolated doable. Rule 4 in effect!! Sex on the cards. Make up remaining approaches in the next 48 hours! However, every time it got to the point of kissing she seemed to go off the idea! Was weird, as I could tell she liked me.
Then disaster struck and 2 guys turn up, one of which was fitty's ex-BF (apparently - not sure if I believe this now - I think it may have been him who told my wing this!). They did buy us lots of drinks which was good for me, because I enjoy drinking but it did up the stakes a bit and gave the girls more value. I was still isolating mine, but I could see my wing was having a hard time with fitty!
Eventually it got so late and my wing had to get off. I stayed for a bit and said to doable one, 'look I want to kiss you' as I was getting really pissed off with her backing away every time we were about too. And only now after like 3 hours she tells me she can't she has a BF. Arrghh that will explain why she kept pulling away at the point of kissing! Also explains why her friends were a bit weird when we were left alone together. I left with a mere contact in Sweden and nothing else! I should have been clearer from the start, but I had been so indecisive about which one I wanted. Make a decision and go for it!
Now what I should have done is isolated my original target early on and made it clear I fancied her, still tease her and use doable one as a friend to gang up on her (like Jaz's guide to working a 2 set). I then should have isolated her and upped the sexualness. I'm not sure if she would have gone for it, but it would have saved a lot of time either way. My wing and I could have gone looking for more instead if need be!

Wed 3 Nov

4 hours sleep! Hungover!

136) Street. Cafe opener! Went no where

137) Street Hired gun 1 - Flirty chat

138) Hired Gun 2 - Flirty chat. I have developed a new formula for hired guns which I'm going to test soon.

139) Sitting girl Cov G. Fireworks. She left. Fit should have been more direct!

140) Asked about a building. Chatted for a bit. Not fit enough on 2nd thoughts!

(This has nothing to do with pick up, but I just had a shit and a friggin undigested noodle (I hope!) came out of my arse!! - sorry I really don't hold back in these reports!)

Thurs 4 Nov

Up at 6 to go to the gym. So knackered, but here we go!

141) Left work to meet wing. Whilst I was waiting I did the old cafe opener and low and behold it finally worked. I got a number from it. She asked me if I always approach women asking about cafes. I laughed and said she was the first that day (haha)! Haven't text her yet, I should today.In fact I have just posted advice about it......

142) Met 2 wings and they were off direct approaching everyone they saw! This kind of freaked me out and I went totally inside my own head. Eventually I did 1 and I went it real nervously and had to bail.

143) Street. Tried direct on a 2 set for the first time. Was slightly unconfident as I was still really in my own head! I ended up telling the friend that her friend was hot instead of saying it to my target. Target looked bemused and her friend got pissed off. 'Right ok' she said angrily and pulled her friend away. Hmmmm need to work out how to do 2 sets directly on the street. A few of my wings say that they only do 1 sets cos of this. Others say they never do day game. One even said 'even MPUAs' don't like to pick up on the tube!!' What is the bullshit people! This is called situational conifdence and doesn't mean you are good with woman - just in certain situations. We need to amplify and exert confidence at all times!!

144) Still feeling really inside my own head and trapped. This is the feeling that got me into PUA. I suddenly had real performance anxiety in front of my wings and was not my true self by any means, just a watered down version. This is a probalem at work and other areas of my life too. I need to work out a way out of it! After ages I see a girl with hot legs and stand there like a dribbling mess for a bit until I say 'right, fuck it, I say, I'm been a pussy - lets go!!
I go in direct say she has amazing legs and looks stunning. She responds well and says that's made her feel really good. We chat for a bit and then I walk her to the club she is going as she was going the wrong way. I ask for her number. She says she is seeing someone. I say ok I will meet you half way this time. What's your FB. She gives it to me. In fact I'm going to befriend and message her now (non-flake)!

145) Is she fit - should I do it! Ok, lets just go indirect and see. Asked about a bus - oh shit she is fit and I should have gone direct!

146) Is she fit - should I do it! Asked about the tube, then went direct and told her she was stunning. Was weird though - she could see through my tube comment after this and made me seem phoney and she smelled a pussy that was not hers! Stupid brain - yes they are fit!! Now go do something about it and stop trying to protect me from a phantom danger you socially conditioned pile of pink shit!!

(Rule 4 complete)


1) Texting - my texts are still boring sometimes. Use role plays and be cocky fun instead of this. Be silly. Be sexual. Respond how you want to, not how she would expect by changing meanings of what she says etc. See these 2 pages...

'Quick opinion please......' by Snake Eyes

Helped me out!

2) This is hard to do when your feeling fucked, but you can still snap out of it!

3) Wings - Have signals for who you want and which obstacles you want them to deal with. Have a code to eject too (e.g. what time are we meeting so and so - either not for a bit (stay) or yeah we need to go see them actually (go)).

4) Make a decision - who you want and stick to it!

5) Make your intentions clear so you don't waste time.

6) Hired Guns - flexible frame work I am going to test....
Open - Hi (no need for anything else),
silly chat/flirt
make it clear you don't want to buy there crap
SOI (always make your intentions clear - I can't stress how important this is - I have wasted so much time this week by not doing this - will tell you more when I update Fri and Sat)
comfort (I use - so why do you do this? I'm sure you didn't dream of been a cow girl selling shots to sweaty men when you were 8 (or whatever) and go into her passions etc)
close - listen I need to go what's the best way to contact you (we can go to this or whatever if you were talking about something in particular)

7) Direct on 2 sets is hard as the other one will be jeolous! I think I will try this - indirect open, quickly SOI target, then befriend obstacle and go on from there (see Jaz's guide to wroking 2 set - V good). May also test direct on 2 sets a bit more too.

8) You are not a naturally confident male if you aren't always consistent any time any place! Work toward this - not a silly little PUA trick you can brag about!!

9) Direct is still king! The only pussy in the opener should be the one you want to stick your cock into!!

I have so much to say still, but my time is so limited at the moment with this!! Hopefully can write more tomorrow.....

Loke 08-11-2010 09:23 AM

You seem a big fan of direct, and I can really appreciate that. Have you read any of the theory about direct, or are you just learning as you go along?

I've recently read gunwitch method and I think some of his stuff should suit you very well, very sexual direct game. 60 years of challenge is some stuff I'm reading now and it's very different than most theory around, very fast escalation stuff. In the London community there is a lot of rage about Mode one atm as well, but not read it so can't comment on it's validity.

themaxx 08-11-2010 04:33 PM

Hey mate your link doesn't work could u repost? Spot on with the situational confidence comment. I'm running thru the RSD blueprint and it's making a lot of sense.

maestro 08-11-2010 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 29452)
The only pussy in the opener should be the one you want to stick your cock into!!

I like this a lot.

Snake Eyes 11-11-2010 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by themaxx (Post 29506)
Hey mate your link doesn't work could u repost? Spot on with the situational confidence comment. I'm running thru the RSD blueprint and it's making a lot of sense.

I think they have taken it down unfortunately - maybe have a better search around RSD website....

perfecto 12-11-2010 06:56 AM

Dude this is awesome! Are u on twitter? I'd be up for following this live :)

Rebus 12-11-2010 08:39 PM

what - a twitter feed???! would take traffic away from this very PUA Forum :(

Snake Eyes 15-11-2010 09:18 PM

Fri 5 November

Bonfire night is here! Woohoo and my Polish chick who I never kissed flaked on me! Balls!

But I don't mind as a few guys are out from here and I wanted to meet them anyhow. Date off! Rule 4 no longer in effect and 5 a day back on.......

147) Someone on street to warm up on - think it was some directional shit that went down bad! I unfortunately had the shits rather badly at this point and was not feeling sexy at all! Probably a good thing I got flaked on!

148) You look lost........that never fucking works!! Still got the shits!

149) Go to meet wings. Feeling a bit better now. See a girl at the bar and wings say someone should open that, so I do. I think I just ask about fireworks or something. Goes quite well. She was a teacher, I told her I could tell because she did this and that. I teased her and then told her I had the biggest crush on my teacher at school blah blah. Said we were going onto a club what's her number. Now it got a bit weird. She seemed well up for it and went off to get her phone. She came back to our group about 2 minutes later holding out her phone. She then said she was going to Ministry of Sound or something and one of my wings chips in and starts telling about all his experince with MOS and whips out a little MOS key ring. He goes off and we chat a bit more and I go 'come on then, what;s your number then'. She said 'what?', I sais 'you were about to give me your number?', 'No I wasn't' 'What?', 'oh we'll just see you in MOS', 'ok what's your number?' and so on. She had done a complete 360 turn. I think either because my wing had out alphered me, weirded her out or most probably my number close was weak by using the club thing to get her digits - should have just said 'I'm taking you out' 'Its gonna be awesome, what's your number?'

Gets a bit hazy here, this may not be in exact order!

150) Club. Hi. Spanish. They like me, but eventually I go off to see what else is available (maybe a mistake in hindsight!)

151) Outside smoking area. We chat. I tease her about her deep voice and get her to talk dirty to me. Not feeling a sexual tension though!

152) Frosty Mcfrostisons!! I sit down with a big group of girls and just strat chatting. Eventually 1 says have you even been invited? I said yes of course playfully. There not having it. 'No you haven't its girls only'. I laugh at this. One says 'No we don't want you here' (Fuck - not going too well this!). I say 'You girls are no fun and frosty as hell! I don't want to speak to you any more' and I leave. Maybe a bit childish, but this sort of behaviour gets me annoyed sometimes - I was only chatting.

153) Americans. I think someone else opened actually, but fuck it, it counts!! Good flirty chat. We describe how good our farm is going to be and what we will do (I seem to do this a lot recently!) She is loving it and getting all touchy. I try to kiss her, but she goes you're drunk!! Arrgghh! Why is kissing so hard at the moment!! I say no I'm not and give her my tap water I'm drinking.

154) Drunk Irish girl. Direct. Your stunning hi! Going well, we are close, but conversation dies and suddenyl she needs to find her friends (I hate that - almost as bad as I need the toilet!)

155) 3 set. Ignore me pretty much. I carry on chatting to my wing telling him why the approach went so badly (whilst standing right next to them). Not good game, but very amusing! I will say anything once I'm blown out - who cares then!

154) 2 dancing set. We dance with them for a bit. Only 1 is half fit and get bored of them.

155) Outside. Tease them for standing in the rain and then I proceed on doing the same. One is a recruitment consultant and I stupidly give her my HR person's details. She's not even fit - stupid!! Why am I chatting to this person!

156) Hottest girl in the club. Cock teasing everyone. I go up hold out my hand for her to dance. She doesn't want to! Screw you - do you not know I am the great Snake Eyes from PUAforum!!

I see hot Irish drunk Irish girl. She waves. I should have gone for it there, but there were too many blokes around her (no excuse though!). Later she is on the pole dancing and my wing starts proding me. No I can't I think! Yes I do. Much to my embrassment I jump up there and in front of the whole club try to start dancing with her. Then a load more blokes follow! She buggers off. Great that was shit and embrarassing!!

Leaving a bit dejected. I see American girl. I go back chat to her and then finally we start to kiss. She pulls away - 'You're drunk!' 'No I'm not' (I really wasn't)' and she says she has to go find her friends. Silly girls and their silly friends!!

Sat 6 November

In the kitchen with my flat mate. He was quizzing me where I am all the time and I felt so secretive I eventually break down! 'I have been meeting people off the Internet to pick up woman and am an now an online journalist' (bit of an exageration there!!)! I'll be honest - it made me feel terrible, creepy and kind of desperate! What was worse I slept with a friend of his recently who I wrote about here too which made me feel a bit guilty! He reacted well in fairness. Was my own issues that came to the surface when I said this. Was very hard to get myself out later, but I did.....

157) Sat in bar, see some girls looking at us. I go up and say you want to come sit with us and they do. I'm getting on well with mine, but my wing isn't doing too good and it makes the situation awkward. We evantually leave to go my friends B'Day. I'm still feeling like a creepy PUA after my chat with my flat mate!

158) Shot girl. Tell her about our farm. Every time she tries to sell me a shot and say 'I'm not here to do business - I thought we were friends!'. She ends up quite liking me I think, but she is a hired gun and potentially a big waste of time! I have got a major hired gun plan though - I will tell you soon......

159) 'I'll give a £1 to anyone who stay in set for longer then a minute 1 wing says.' 1 minute and 10 seconds later he passes me a £1 secretly whilst I'm telling a Polish girl all about our farm (ok I like this even if no one else does!). The Polish girl says if I'm talking to her to get sex then I've got the wrong girl. I say thanks for telling me, you've just saved us both a lot of time! (advice I should have taken later that evening!)

160) Girl at bar, I just distract her whilst a wing I vaguely know chat to her friend. Just been nice really. I think I still messed it up somehow.

161) Sexy shorts. I tell her.

162) Cool hat. I tell her.

163) Something direct and inappropriate to a girl walking past.

164) 'So many how many guys have hit on you tonight'. She tells me loads. I say haha 'yeah i went down there and a girl went past and everyone was grabbing her by the arm telling her she is gorgeous or something! (sorry guys). I've bet you'v been hit on less than me though. The girl here keep grabbing my ass and everything.' We chat for a bit. I think I guessed her star sign (I had a 1 in 12 chance!). Her friend says she is looking to pull someone. Cool. I start kissing her. She's crap. I had been teasing her about been a crap kisser too - now I feel bad. We carry on for a bit and I suddenly get annoyed at myself. I'm meant to be getting good with women, not kissing mediocre aging women with bad breath and shit kissing skills. Right I'm off I tell her. I'm not going to f close her just to get my numbers up, this is not why I do this!

Sun 7 Nov (midnight passes - haha need to get in my 5....)

165) Fittest girl in club. I go follow outside and say is he ok, to a guy lying on the floor next to her. She looks scared and hides behind another man who isn't lying on the floor (hmm she has been hit on by every PUA in this place no doubt - Tiger Tiger is fucking full of them and its very obvious (although they didn't seem to be talking to girls all that much actually?!))

166) Pole 2. I actually open her friend. Another very obvious PUA is chatting to the other one. I give him a wink to say I know what we're doing and try to help him out, but he messes up and leaves. I stick around and soon turn my attention to the fitter one (I didn't know the other guy before you ask so this is ok!). I spend fucking ages with this girl. We dance, get real close, but like the other Pole I'm dating she freaks out when I try to pull her. What the is wrong with them/me!! Polish girls just won't fuck me! (see also - Snake Eyes in Poland!) There must be something I'm missing here! So anyway we're dancing all hot and I try to kiss her. 'No no no!' I leave. later I see her again, but when it comes to number closing she says she just wants to meet as friends - I tell her I'm not meeting you as a friend. I don't want your number!

167) Dancing Girls. Chat and a bit of dance I think.

168) I'm a bit rude to a girl whilst I' waiting for my wing. She is annoyed when I tell her I never heard of Portugal (I think she believed me)

169) Cute Hungarian in coat queue, but I'm done my friends!!

169) Girls outside. Canned opener about a fight (hmm have you read The Game, I read a book to pick up women....)

Sorry guys, so hard to keep up with this!! I wish I had more time, but I don't. Will update again soon! Anyway lessons learnt!


1) Always close for the real reason, not some bullshit about a club.

2) Indonesian food does not do my stomach good!

3) Just go in there and chat to every girl in the club. No one notices you getting blown out if its big enough!

4) Been too lively can make me seem drunk. Maybe I should have chilled with American a bit too.

5) Direct is ok in clubs too.

6) Move your sets! It will die off otherwise and they will go to find their friends, a drink, go for a poo whatever!

7) You will get blown out a lot doing this. Still is fun!

8) If your going to do a bold move like pole dancing in front of everyone - do it like a man!! Not half hearted scaredy cat!

9) Polish girls are very different sort of game that I do not know how to play!

10) Right HGs. Same formula as before. I am definately going past point of customer to fun guy. Just not sex worty just yet. I want to know if its true that they get off work when they finish their booze. Probably not right? I imagine this is just a line to get customers buying more. This is very important if my idea is going to work......

11) Try to kiss early. Don't waste time!
If you can't feel the kiss there is usually a problem so it is best to sort this out early. A lesson I mess up again later this week!

12) Tiger Tiger is PUA Land!!

Cefai 15-11-2010 09:51 PM

Nice one Snake Eyes! Here's some thoughts:


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 29982)
156) Hottest girl in the club. Cock teasing everyone. I go up hold out my hand for her to dance. She doesn't want to! Screw you - do you not know I am the great Snake Eyes from PUAforum!!

I see hot Irish drunk Irish girl. She waves. I should have gone for it there, but there were too many blokes around her (no excuse though!). Later she is on the pole dancing and my wing starts proding me. No I can't I think! Yes I do. Much to my embrassment I jump up there and in front of the whole club try to start dancing with her. Then a load more blokes follow! She buggers off. Great that was shit and embrarassing!!

These took some guts. Especially the second one. When I was prodding you to get up there with her I didn't think for a second you'd actually do it. Mad sausage props.


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 29982)
In the kitchen with my flat mate. He was quizzing me where I am all the time and I felt so secretive I eventually break down! 'I have been meeting people off the Internet to pick up woman and am an now an online journalist' (bit of an exageration there!!)! I'll be honest - it made me feel terrible, creepy and kind of desperate! What was worse I slept with a friend of his recently who I wrote about here too which made me feel a bit guilty! He reacted well in fairness. Was my own issues that came to the surface when I said this. Was very hard to get myself out later, but I did.....

Get him out on a night out and see what he thinks then. Sure this stuff is kind of wierd, but a lot less creepy then it sounds.


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 29982)
158) Shot girl. Tell her about our farm.

Have I missed something? What's all this about farms?


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 29982)
164) 'So many how many guys have hit on you tonight'.

I like this


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 29982)
166) I tell her I'm not meeting you as a friend. I don't want your number!

Good from you.


Originally Posted by Snake Eyes (Post 29982)
12) Tiger Tiger is PUA Land!!

Tiger Tiger is fucking awful. Any girl you approach is just fed up of being hit on and all the guys just seem to be in competition to see who can peacock the best. Avoid.

Rebus 15-11-2010 11:44 PM


149) She then said she was going to Ministry of Sound or something and one of my wings chips in and starts telling about all his experince with MOS and whips out a little MOS key ring. He goes off and we chat a bit more and I go 'come on then, what;s your number then'. She said 'what?', I sais 'you were about to give me your number?', 'No I wasn't' 'What?', 'oh we'll just see you in MOS', 'ok what's your number?' and so on. She had done a complete 360 turn. I think either because my wing had out alphered me, weirded her out or most probably my number close was weak by using the club thing to get her digits - should have just said 'I'm taking you out' 'Its gonna be awesome, what's your number?'
Didn't mean to cockblock you with a tiny Ministry of Sound membership keyring!

I put the round of drinks down on the table between everyone, and as I turned away I got a whiff of a mention of the infamous Ministry! :idea: Supposed to be helping, she seemed to not know where it was - how was she gonna get there otherwise? Mental bird. LOL


156) I go back chat to her and then finally we start to kiss. She pulls away - 'You're drunk!' 'No I'm not' (I really wasn't)'
Next time take a breathalyser with you


[Cefai] Tiger Tiger is fucking awful. Any girl you approach is just fed up of being hit on and all the guys just seem to be in competition to see who can peacock the best. Avoid.
ummm, bit of a hardcore view. I think it depends on your mood that night, the energy levels, and the chicks that are there. You can still get some at Tiger Tiger.

Maxemillion 16-11-2010 02:13 AM

I need something to tell my housemates, theyre all "why do you keep going out every night? are you going to see prostitutes??"

Cefai 16-11-2010 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Rebus (Post 29993)
You can still get some at Tiger Tiger.

Not saying you can't. It just seems to be the only club where I actually do feel creepy hitting on girls.

Snake Eyes 16-11-2010 08:02 PM

Monday 8 November

Tired, think I maybe over doing it! Chew my wings ear off for a bit whether this is a good thing to be doing or not. Do 5 poor approaches....

170) Direct street. She apologises?

171) Bar stunning girl. Indirect thing about menu. Haven't got the energy to do anything more.

172) Direct. train station. Goes well intially, but I start to weird her out. She goes to my gym. Could be a bit embarrasing, but I will pretend its not.

173) Directional. No energy to turn it round.

174) 'You look bemused'. I have nothing! I walk off

Tuesday 9 November

Very low now! Doing a full time job and going our everyday is a bit too much I'm thinking of quitting! I leave the gym at 8 in the evening and say fuck it lets try the tube (a bit weird I have no where to go!! It's better than walking around in the cold on my own late at night though!)

Now I always get major AA on the tube, so have been meaning to do this for a while....

175) Started easy 'just asked if a station was closed. Made a statement (your're a student, do you go to ....). She did (same Uni as mine). Nice chat, but no time for close!

176) Asked what time tubes close. Went into quite a funny true story about getting some Americans lost in London by mistake due to my lack of tube closing time knowledge. Seemed to work well! She seemed well into me, but I had already decided not fit enough!

177) Asked if she had phone signal (district line). Bit of a chat! Asked about her writing (she was reading a book and making notes). Oh you're studying or something'? No I just always make notes when I read. 'Oh, ok'. Bit weird I thought, but then again I do forget a lot of stuff I read, so who am I to judge!

178) Same indirect sort of stuff.

179) And again, it was clear she didn't like talking to strangers though.

180) Going off tube. See a sexy ass. 'You smell great, what perfume you wearing'. She gets well excited and pulls out all these bottles of stuff! We chat, she says she is a model (hmmm really?). I say 'oh I hand model or something' (cringe!!). She goes mental again. We go top up her Oyster. Chat a bit more. She's only 18 (ok suddenly I see why sexy 27 year old man is so appealing!). I number close. Probably could of gone for a drink and back to mine then and there. She was so keen! Probably should of too. I was very tired though and a bit paranoid she had some sort of agenda as she was so keen! This girl is not a flake, still has nice ass, but is a bit of a silly rude girl for my liking!

Wednesday 10 November

Date - Polish girl. Rule 4 in effect! Not even a kiss! She seems to really like me, but is scared about something!. I went to sit on a sofa with her and she ran off to the other side of the room to a seat with a table in between. We went to the cinema too! Lame I know, but I saw a 3D film which was cool! Also I felt sick from my film choice of Saw 3D - quite possibly the least sexy film there is, but she seems to be really into that sort of stuff (erm maybe that's why she is a vet!).

Didn't fancy been cheeked again by this girl, so left it feeling very unmanly!!

Again not much sleep!

Thursday 11 November

1.00pm Cancel my date with (141). Feeling tired and convinced she will falke too as we had a shit conversation when I rang!

6.00pm Feel silly for doing that! Try calling her! No reply!

6.15p.m. Send a text ' Finished work earlier than expected. I'm taking you out for the time of your life x'

6.30p.m. Opps! Fucked that up! Ok better go approaching...

181) I think something crap and a waste of time.

182) Bar (on my own!) ask about a band. Nice conversation, but ejected too early. They seemed to like me.

6.50 p.m. 'Great, looking forward to it! I'm just with work mates right now. Where shall we meet? x'

6.52 p.m. 'Where are you and when can you politely leave? x'

7.10 p.m..........

7.20 p.m. That was a lame text I sent, I send another 'I'm getting on a tube to go to Clapham Common, see you there x'

8.00 p.m. Thank fuck - she turned up!

Rule 4 in effect (bollacks 8 approaches to make up in the next 48 hours plus my 5 each day!). Date went well. Got feedback on my approach! She said I thought you were either a bit clueless, foreign or hitting on me haha! I said I did genuinely want to know where the cafe was, but I did choose her to ask cos she is hot (she's actually only ok really, bit unsure about seeing her again). In light of my anti-kiss date the night before I try a kiss routine (never done before) and low and behold it works! We were just taking turns to ask questions. I was just asking dirty ones, but she was actually asking quite good ones, like what scares me the most and why am I single etc. I say 'Are you a good kisser?' She spouts some bollacks. 'On a scale of 1-10'. More girl bollacks. 'Show me'. More girl crap. 'Show me!' Ok there we go. She's pretty good! Better than I thought! Good skin too! I say I'm walking her to the bus. When it comes. I say 'I'm coming on with you'. She says 'no I have work in the morning'. I make a weird 'Come oooonnn' type noise. 'No Snake Eyes'. oh I'll be off then.....Need to work on this extraction bit!

Lessons Learnt!

1) 5 a Day is a fucking struggle! My game sucks when it becomes such a chore! I can sometimes push myself through, but I need sleep for this!

2) You can talk on the tube. I think I am going to go more direct though, along the lines of 'I know people aren't meant to talk down here, but I think your cute and wanted to say hi....'

3) Some girls will be so blown away by you approaching you can probably have them that night even from a 5 minute interaction - even hotties! Don't let your own insecurities/paranoia/beliefs stop this!!

4) Set a sexual vibe straight away - I'll probably never fuck Polish girl now. There is no sexual chemistry and I have pretty much wasted my time here!

5) Saw 3D is better than you think. I though it would be mindless gore, but it actually is quite clever in parts!

6) Confident texting works!

7) Question game thing works if you're not feeling like a kiss is going to happen naturally!

8) Should have said 'lets go back to yours for cocktails and cake' (or something) instead of just making a weird noise! If we're near mine I should have a reason to go back to mine, so her ASD doesn't go off!

Snake Eyes 02-12-2010 12:18 AM

Friday 12 November

183) Went for a haircut.. My hairdresser was this cute little Dutch thing. We have a good chat. I tease her about stuff and we chat about our mutual love for Vla (Dutch dessert). She asks me about my G'Friend (hello!), she also refers to me being self confident twice (hmm you obviously haven't read '5 a day Version 2' little lady!) so I'm thinking yeah she likes me more than a customer here. As I leave I tell her to put her number in my phone. She does. I thought this was a really strong close, but has turned out to be a flake! Perhaps she felt she had to be nice to me as I was a customer, but defiantly wasn't the vibes I was getting at the time.

184) bad tube approach. Not really worth talking about.

185) I'm meeting a wing in Noting Hill. I stop at Tesco for a sandwich. There is a girl there who is hot as hell at the other check out! I have to speak to her! As we leave I say I'm waiting for a friend of mine, where should I go - don't normally go out round here etc.I guess she is Brazilian. She is half Spanish half Columbian. I tease her about her chocolate purchase. We seem to be getting on great and I must admit I'm quite surprised at how well its going. Unfortunately she has to go look after her sick brother or something, so I just take her number and leave.

186) Something in a club that doesn't go too good.

187) See above.

188) Hottie with dreads (never thought I'd say that, but she was). We get on great, but she is going out with the barman unfortunately. Ah fuck it, I'm pretty much done for the night anyway - so tired and no decent sets in the tiny little club we're in anyway. I'll chat to her for a bit longer. We go out to the smoking area together. We come back and must admit maybe getting a bit too friendly. Barman refuses to pour a drink for me when my wing asks. Eventually he comes over and asks to speak to her and takes her outside. Opps. We should probably leave.

189) Something on the bus, but I can't even hold a conversation in my own head I'm so tired - let alone attractive strangers in the night.

Very concerned I have a backlog of 11 approaches to do the next day......

Saturday 13 November

190) I think a situational tube opener that didn't go anywhere

191) As above but directional and not on a tube.

I am not out with friends in Hertford. I am drunk. I am concerned that I have 9 approaches to do.

192) Some direct comment to a girl jigging.

193) Chat to a girl at the bar for quite a bit. She is hot in an older woman sort of way. We are flirting quite well, I think to myself rule 4 in effect? Hmmm probably not, I can't use that excuse again! We haven't even pulled.

194) Speak to some cute sisters. I guess correctly, mine is the middle sister. Quiet nice I suppose, but I flutter off somewhere drunk.

195) Somehow chat to a really hot girl. She said I was checking her out or something. I said I was. We are leaving and all my lot are standing there watching me which gives me stage fright even in my drunken state! I say I'm going to kiss you. She says, 'only the check'. It sort of goes off into stand off mode and I think I've probably fucked it! Meanwhile my mate keeps coming up saying we have to go. Fuck it, I don't have time for this stand off - we're off! He then apologies for the rest of the evening for ruining my chances with a stunner. Little does he know that this is not the reason I have a vacant sad look in my eyes! The clock has struck midnight and Snake Eyes has failed his 5 a day challenge again........

...... 5 a day version 2 is over! I did not do my designated number of approaches. Furthermore I am drunk and just drunkenly talking to people. This is not what this challenge is about. I make a decision to have a week or so off and start again soon. It is the end to a poor attempt! Version 1 was far better. Version 3 here we come!

Monday 13 November to Wednesday 24 November

I had a real think about this whole PUA thing here. I'm kind of disheartened that I messed up so badly and I must admit it kind of went the same road that the last challenge went. I got too tired and irritable doing this and I'm starting to think maybe this is not the way forward.

Anyway I used this time to sort out my life a bit and maybe move things forward a bit with girls I've got numbers off. I did do a bit of appoaching I think, but nothing to write home about.

LIFE - Got re-involved with an old hobby of mine. Started working out properly again, met friends I have been ignoring, starting Ceroc dancing again, started writing a Sitcom (all things I've been wanting to do for a while).

GIRLS - Ditched (99), things ok with (141) but I'm still not flying over the thought of her and should probably drop her. (180) seems like a bit of a douche, but still fit - not met her yet and unsure if I will. (185) really fit, but I fucked it by doing this:

Call her on a Saturday. She responds with a text later asking how I am etc and what I'm doing that night. I think this is an invitation - so I say 'Coming to see you. Shall we say Noting Hill tube at 8?'. No reply. I tried calling her as well (maybe lame I know, but hey). I haven't heard from her since. I think I may have spooked her and what seemed like a confident direct text probably came across as a bit weird and reeked of I'm not doing anything on a Saturday night. I should probably have found out what she was up to first and/or warmed her up a bit first before doing this. She was gorgeous (so also I am probably 1 of many texting her). Still a bit annoyed I did this.

I've lost track of other girls I have got numbers off which probably means it has either gone badly or they are not really worth it.

Snake Eyes 02-12-2010 12:19 AM

Thursday 25 November and Friday 26 November (rolls into 1 here)

Ok back in the game and with the Version 3 (30 days before Christmas here)

Met some guys from this forum. Here's how it went....

196) Go off to toilet and on the way back ask some girl which way Leicester Sq is, I'm disorientated. We chat for a bit. Goes quite well, but she is with her family. I ask best way to contact her - FB close. Hmm weak.

197) Guess where some girls are from (4 of them). Again nice and flirty chat, but not so keen on any of them really.

Go back to my wings. I play a game with one of them where we have to high 5 as many people in the club as possible. Definitely quite funny and gets your heart going. Felt a bit weird though. Don't think anyone fancied me more after doing this!

198) We split. Go into Tiger Tiger. My wings complain that they have AA. I say 'look if you have AA just start easy and go directional into a nice chat to start off with. Easy, I will show you how...'
'Hi guys...'
'What' I am cut off by an alpha bald man.
Opps I have just approached a family eating dinner!
'Erm we were looking for somewhere not so touristy to go to (or something like that).....'
He proceeds on giving me directions to some club for the next 5 minutes and tells me it is obvious we are looking for women.
And that wings is how you do a directional approach..... (I may have just given them a incurable case of AA here!)

199) Wing still complaining of AA. I will now show you a situational opener. 'Hey do you know if the band is on'. We talk about this. I guess wrongly where she is from. I say Sweden, but she is German. She studys at my old Uni, so we talk about that. We talk about sausages (they love em apparently and so do I!), I tease her about stuff, we talk about the differences between English and German men appoaches, we trade off bad pick up lines. I should have N Closed here really. Later when we leave I go to find her, but the band is playing and she is dancing away. Also her dancing shows she has been eating slightly more sausages than she should of perhaps and I urge on the side of lets get out of her comrades!

200) And now my trusty wings I shall how you the dreaded direct approach! 'Hi, we were just leaving but I think you're stunning and thought I should tell you' 'What?' 'repeat opener in a slightly embarrassed way' - her friends and my wings are watching! 'what I am ze French one' (I think also something not good was said too here that I can't remember), 'lets go wings'....... Fuck me who do I think I am tonight Mysterious Neil X Durden or something!!! Lets stop trying to show off (badly) and have my own learning experience here!

201) Some Aussie chick about her hat. Not really that impressed with me. I tease her a bit and she doesn't bite. I tell her 'most Aussies are more...... you know', she says 'What little waste of space worm man' (ok she didn't say this, but she might as well have), 'you know a little more upbeat!', she looks at me like I just pissed on her chicken. I leave. I tell my wing she hated me. Mine too he says. Hmmmm.

202) Some Spanish hottie about band who can't understand me. Hot as hell (apparently my wing had opened her too to no avail).

203) Some Irish girls about something. Doesn't go too well. Later my wing re-opens them and does a lot better I go back in and they are very responsive. I don't think they even knew it was the weird opening guy from before. Spend a bit of time with them, but I get bored and go off.

204) A suspect looking Latino approaches me. She approaches me again a few minutes later and announces to all that she thinks I am beautiful and is very excited because gingers make amazing lovers or something. 'Thanks'. Now she was really in my face and trying to kiss me. Now any fans of this thread will know I would give my little ginger ball sack to sleep with a Latino woman right now, but woman is stretching it in this case. Snake Eyes has been down this road before and it didn't turn out good. I'm off to give my amazing love to someone else! I run! I think (s)he may have read Mode 1! Bit creepy if you ask me.....

205) Another Spanish one. Think I just said hello. She is talking about how Spanish men are more passionate than English men. I should have used this to my advantage, grab her spin her around and make beautiful love to her all over the club table, but I am exhausted and in that moment inclined to agree with her (only in that moment though guys : ) ). Also she seems quite interested in the, possibly Spanish, barman.

206) Hello. Hot Dutch or Swedish. Goes ok, but gets a bit boring and they leave.

207) Ok this set was opened earlier in the night by my wing, but this is where it starts to get interesting. Re-open the girl I had chatted to earlier. We are getting on great. She really sparks some life into me. It gets to the point where I should be thinking about kissing. I ask her about British men. I ask her if she's a good kisser. I jokingly say that I have never kissed anyone. She asks me about Americano (19) (I told her all about her). I say we just had sex, no kissing (silly stuff really that she finds funny, but isn't getting me to kiss her). I later find out that she found these kissing routines very see through and unattractive.
Then I hit gold. She is rabbiting on and instead of thinking about routines I just say what's on my mind 'Fuck me you talk a lot'. She is astounded, but in a good way. 'Wow, people aren't usually so blunt with me, but I like it'. I say 'Am I making you nervous or something' (jokingly). 'What no, ok, maybe a little, no wait no one ever makes me nervous. Hang on, why are you making me nervous. I'm still talking too much aren't I....'. Fuck the K close, she's coming home with me tonight. We slam a few yeagers. She is a hot shot defence lawyer from Texas. The club closes. I say we should go for a drink somewhere else. She agrees. I go to get my coat.

208) F Book close, coat girl. I have lost this, but probably for the best - I think she had hairy arms.

Back to 207), we leave. Say good bye to her friends. We walk for a bit. I can't think of any places near that are open except for the dodgy casino....'Taxi'
'How much'
'How about £15'
'£20 it is, lets go'

Right that was pointless! Back to The Snake Pit!. We get off at mine. 'This is a strange bar'. 'This is my place, we're going to have a drink here' I say. We have a rum and ginger beer in the kitchen. 'Lets go upstairs'. We do. Wow, she looks a lot better naked than I thought she would. She tries to give me LMR, but I just tell her not to be silly (God bless America, give them a finger and they completely forget about this - Poland could learn a lot from this (see previous thread!!). Sex is ok. Makes me think about all girls I've had sex with and how different each one is. There really is a compatibility there with some people and not with others however hard you work at it. I always used to think it was down to a) my confidence and b) their promiscuity. Both of these were present here, but I just didn't get lost in it like I did the 3 in October. It wasn't bad or anything, but just something I noticed. Anyway a mute (moo) point.

Friday 26 November and Saturday 27 November (rolled into 1)

(207), (hmm she deserves a name I think - Americano Version 2), stays until early afternoon. She is still loud, but lovable. Maybe see her again. She leaves Tuesday though.

Go to meet a new wing very late in the evening.

209) Street. directional/club. Doesn't really go anywhere.

210) Queue chat.

211) 2 set Queue chat - goes on in the coat queue. Can't seem to hook though. I say I like here necklace, 'thanks', but not so keen on her earings a bit big. Text book push pull. Silence. Stupid text book! I see 2 guys doing quite well with these 2 later as well.

212) Polish girls on the stairs. Goes quite ok, should probably have stayed for a bit. I have too much history with this country now. As much as I love the nation, Poland just won't fuck me!

213) Fit fit Irish girls (2). I say I like her dress. She says it's a top. I tease her about stuff. We get on well. She tells me to tell her friend she looks like Cheryl Cole. I shouldn't have, but I do. She remains hooked though. We have our pictures taken. She buys a key ring from the guy. I do to (shouldn't have done this either). Is all very flirty, but they need moving somewhere. My wing tries to get in on the photo action and it goes a bit stale. They go off to the bathroom and that is the last I see of them. Man they were fit - balls. Later in the evening I go to collect my little key ring and they give me hers as well. I take it. Ha ha now who's laughing bathroom girls! I have your key ring! I am a petty petty little man who has just stolen a key ring off a nice girl. In my defence I thought we might bump into them later. These key rings will act as a cruel reminder to move girls around once its getting stale!

214) Direct on perhaps the only English girls in the club. I feel they are taking the piss a bit so don't have time for them.

215) Dance floor. Goes no where. I see about 5 other PUAs all going after the same girls. They are surrounding them and all acting like dogs on heat. The girls are creeped out and so am I.

216) American girl queue. Turns out she went to Uni where I spent some time in Atlanta. We get on great and I invite her for food. She does (with her friend and my wing). We have a good time and the English American chat works a dream as always. I take her number. Hint at going back to there hotel, but they ain't having it and saying they need a taxi. I then do something that is very out of character and I felt very bad about. I think that I leave them there, not even walking them to a taxi or taxi rank. Now this may not seem that bad to you, but I am a gentleman and I think you should make sure a girl gets home safe, especially when she is a foreigner in the middle of the night in a strange country. The only reason I didn't was I thought it would look better and nonchalant if we just left in a a 'game like' mentality. I want to be good at getting with girls, but I am a good guy and don't want to lose that. Stay true to yourself!

I think there were a lot more above, but I can't remember them.

Saturday 28 November

I meet up with the Americans from last night (216) and show them around for a bit. We go to the pub later on and are having a great time. I think they both fancy me a bit judging by how they react, but my wing is now 5 hours late (yes you heard) and it is very difficult to isolate the one I want. He eventually arrives, but it is now quite friendly between us all. To add to this my one appears to be not that promiscuous and I can't see how I am going to bed her that night. Plus it is freezing when we leave the pub and not sexy. The one I don't want says she has stuff to do the next day and needs to get back and my one follows suit. My wing buggers off again. I should push for mine to come to a club, but I don't. When we say bye, both of the girls hug me (separately) for far longer than is usual. I think they both like me a lot, but it is more friendly now. They say they want to see me the next day, but I am busy. They have left the country now.

Perhaps I should have pushed for the club, perhaps I should have been more direct, perhaps I should have not cared too much about including the other one and isolated mine a bit more, but to be honest I was feeling a friendly vibe as well. I am not desperate to fuck mine and to try could have ruined the day that I had actually really enjoyed, regardless of lack of sex. Would have been nice to have 2 of our American friends in a week (possible 3 if I was really on form - 3some perhaps), but it was still a very positive experience for me. Also I feel at complete peace with myself over the taxi incident!

Sunday 29 November

217) Tube - Crappy line about when the run to or something.

218) As above

219) As above

This is bullshit - I am learning nothing. It is too cold for this and I think 5 a day is actually hindering my game. I find myself going out as a chore a lot of the time and I am in the grey zone a lot. I have no down time and it is seriously effecting other areas of my life. Plus did I mention it is so f'ing cold!!

I think hard (but not that long) about it and decide to stop. I will still update this thread, but it will be back to normal. I only expect to go out a few days/nights per week and not push myself too much. It is silly if it isn't helping. I may try this again in the Summer as I now kind of have a bee in my bonnet about actually completing this, but for now its not good for me. I fail...... again!

Monday 30 November

Go to meet Americano V2 in her hotel room in Kinightsbridge. She gives me a boner instantly when I see her in her little dress. Wow, for a girl who didn't think I even fancied originally, she sure does have a good effect on me. I probably should have ravished her right there, but I want dinner first! We go out, first to the pub, but there is no chef. After much walking in the cold we finally see a place. We dash in and get a table and a menu. As her eyes scan the wine list I see her eyes look astonished, what's up I think....oh fuck the cheapest wine is £30. This place is expensive. Opps! Oh well, we have fun. It costs us both a lot, but its good to splash out every now and then as long as you aren't doing it to impress anyone. We go back to her hotel. I decide I fucking love Americans and want to marry one. Not this one, that's for sure, but defiantly one of them. I just love hanging out with them. Americano V1, this one and the 2 from Saturday all just give me a very contented feeling and I find our personalities gel very well (very different, but I think this helps). I find myself acting my best and also like my true self around them. I really like this and wish I could be like this all the time (which is what I am striving for). Obviously I have only experienced a small pecentage of their population, but based on that I fucking love them! Maybe it's being brought up on American TV or the fact I went to Disneyland at a very early age, but I have definitely developed some sort of Americanism fetish, which is nice because most people seem to give them a hard time and say bad things about them (which in many cases is probably still true, but I love them crazy Yanks for it). Vegas here I come haha!

I had a moment of clarity as I was doing this American girl (207) jockey style in her Kensington hotel room, leaning over her slightly, cupping her fake bosoms in my hands whilst stroking my tongue up her back. All my really positive experiences with women have always been from me just acting myself. I knew this already, but it really hit home here. When I'm in PUA mode I make a lot of approaches, get numbers and maybe kisses, but the sex and the real connections with girls comes when I just relax and stop thinking about stuff. Firstly canned lines are phoney and see through and above all else not me. I think maybe its good to have some sort of opener still in emergency and knowing the theory behind why certain techniques work is good, but when your in that what I call 'PUA mode' it is very obvious and try hard (for me at least). I guess this is the difference between been inside and outside your head. I think that takes us too.....


1) I think this 5 a day thing is good, but it does have serious drawbacks. One of my biggest problems is I think to much and this fucks me up. 5 a day doesn't help this. Also I become completely outcome orientated. I am constantly thinking about my field reports and results when talking to women which is not a healthy attitude. I had a great time with those American girls on Saturday and really wasn't that arsed about sleeping with them. However, the ego within and my worries about writing it on here initially made me very annoyed I hadn't 'tried different stuff on them'. This is silly! I don't need to impress anyone, as long as I am happy within myself.

Now don't get me wrong, I want to be good with women, as I believe this will make me a happier person. I love my little whirlwind romances I have. However, when I'm doing this 5 a day thing I am not that happy a person after a few days. I become an objective obsessed weirdo which is not good. Will I do this challenge again. Yes probably, as I do feel I should complete things I start and I do want to test the 30 day rule theory. Also in the Summer it won't involve walking around alone on the cold dark streets of London as much (which is weird and eeerily similar to Jack the Ripper - besides the whole killing prostitutes thing). However, it will not be at the expense of my happiness.

2) This has been said time and time again on here! Don't get too caught up in PUA material. Have a few openers lined up just in case and maybe listen to some stuff to know why what you're doing is working or not working, but do not go out using and copying lines you have read out of a book. This will not develop you as a person and is likely to fall flat on its face after a while. However....

3) ....still be aware of things. e.g. I should have known to move those Irish girls (213) to a different location to keep them interested. My key rings will make sure I never forget this valuable lesson!

4) I've noticed a pattern with my social relationships. When I initially meet people/join a new group of some sort (PUA in this case) I am initially very positive and excited. I feel very free and it makes me feel good. However, after a while I become worried about how I am acting around people and feel like I am being judged. My ego also inflates and I want to impress. This leads to me feeling trapped and a bit helpless (not really reached that yet with PUA or anyone off here, but other social groups). I run away and start fresh with new people. I have always had a problem sticking within friendship groups and after while I move onto new ones. Even my core group I have been friends with for years I don't want to be a part of right now and it has been noticed. Whilst it's good to be sociable and have many fingers in many pies it's weird that I feel friends are holding me back in some way and want to leave them. I'm not sure if this is unique to me or a thing people can relate to - I would be interested for your comments.

5) Remember this is a PUBLIC forum guys (bit rich coming from me, but hey)! A lot of people have been reading these threads. It was quite weird meeting new people last week and them knowing about girls I had slept with etc! Also I felt a bit on show. Please guys, if anyone meets me from here, I'm not here to teach you. Do not come out just to watch me. Come out to go on the pull with me and try stuff yourself by all means though!

6) Work hard and trust your instincts. Most of my success in life has come from when I apply these two things. Most of my failures come when I ignore one of both of these. Applies to game (including stuff I have written about above) and all other areas of my life.

and finally

7) I don't normally name Wings here, but I feel this must be said - Rebus gets you laid - fact!!
Americano V2 was a girl from a set he originally opened. Thanks man! I might never have talked to her if it wasn't for you engaging their group! In fact I think he assisted getting another guy from here laid that night too!!

Phil 02-12-2010 08:16 AM

wer do u guys go out... this looks fun to me

silverhaez 02-12-2010 02:48 PM

All I can say is "thank god for girl #207".

SE - you're an inspiration in terms of commitment and gung ho attitude.

But reading your reports stresses me out a bit...

You're like a firework let off in a small space. I understand the logic behind 5-a-day, but I think you've realised that it can be detrimental to your progress.

I think you need a little more direction and control (only this AFC's opinion) because at the moment you're like a whirling dirvish tearing the place up.

As you said, apply a bit more of your own knowledge and awareness (i.e be yourself) to some of your approaches and you'll avoid those hideous shutdowns like 152 and 200 when they call you out and the game leaves you high and dry. Though I'd say the golden rule is if you don't know what you're doing - just smile.

Take your time, don't stick to the game so rigidly and keep up the diary. It's good reading, if a bit uncomfortable at times, props to you for cracking on.

PS ~congrats on #207 once again ;)

Rebus 03-12-2010 11:35 PM


7) I don't normally name Wings here, but I feel this must be said - Rebus gets you laid - fact!!

Americano V2 was a girl from a set he originally opened. Thanks man! I might never have talked to her if it wasn't for you engaging their group! In fact I think he assisted getting another guy from here laid that night too!!
aaaawwwwww Snake Eyes, that's nice man,.... come here give a big man-hug.

no trannies (#204) with us this time, it'll just be u me and a big man-hug! :pound:

It was wicked that you upgraded from tranny to fanny in the same night! :clapclap:

I missed some of the group's pickup activity while I got away from you guys for a while to entertain my size 10 hottie on the dancefloor (thanks Snake to walking with me after her while I briefly stalked her b4 re-opening her) then quickly RV'ed with u lot, then catch a nightbus home... hit the office the next day and after six hours sleep I was on a caffeine binge.

One number-close and one k-close across two birds was fair paydirt, though that Irish bird has replied to my texts with such half-wit ignorance about my continued jovially light-hearted theme of pisstake on her of the Irish debt bailout that we just aren't on the same page (we'd been doing that theme in person, so didn't seem outrageous to continue it on text; BTW that was THE TOPICAL NEWS STORY of that day or that week and she happened to be from the Emerald Isle.).

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