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Talking Manchester Field Report no.1 (time in the game 2.5 months) - 15-08-2010, 04:15 PM

I've been on for forum for a few weeks and I wanted to contribute something so here is my first field report.

I've only been gaming for a few months after coming out of a LTR.

At the start of the 3 months I didn't really feel that comfortable in clubs and wasn't confident on the dance floor at all so even though I've still got a long way to go I'm really pleased with my progress so far and feel I'm making strong progress (if only a little bit at a time) each time I go out.

If you're looking for tales of threesomes, F-closes etc this isn't the post for you but if you're also new to the game you might find it interesting or if you're experienced and want to offer some feedback that would be cool.

Quick side note on ear protection (skip this Section if your not interested)

Before I start, a quick note on ear plugs which might of interest to some people. My mate's a musician so when we started gaming a few months ago he was quite concerned about the long-term damage to his ears if we were going to be going out regularity. I told him someone had given me some clubbing sound filters a while ago so he should get some. I'd never warn them myself because even though discrete the filter bits (like transparent plastic match sticks) stuck out my ears a bit making it look like I was about to get hooked up to some hospital equipment IMO. Anyway, he went ahead and bought a pair of 'ALPINE MUSIC SAFE PRO Professional Dj Ear Plugs' for about£20. I was impressed that his plugs / filters were a lot shorter than mine and you couldn't tell he had them in even close up. It really pisses me off that my ears have that buzzing sound for days after going out (some clubs e.g 5th Av seem to be worse than others) so I picked some up for myself and trimmed the the plug bit till I was happy that they were discreet enough. Only downside of the discreetness is they're are a little hard to get out but not impossible. They come with three filers of varying strength which is quite cool. Having warn them for the first time last night I was really impressed. I could hear the music fine, people's voices were easier to hear, didn't feel self conscious having them in and best of all no annoying buzzing at all afterwards.

Anyway back to the field report...

Me and my mate met up with Darood and jaz off the forum. It was the first time I'd met anyone off here so I wasn't sure what to expect. However, they were both solid guys and very friendly. We had a bit of chit chat then started walking to venue two.

On the way we started talking about f-closes and it was inspiring to hear Darood and jaz talk about them casually.

We got to the first location and Jaz introduced me to another forum member (not sure on the forum name).

Darood went off to open some set I think and me and my mate downed a pint each and noticed the dance floor was full of hbs and very few lads so we decided to take the initiative and do a bit of dancing. After about 3 months I'm pretty confident on the dance floor now. No idea what my dancing is like but I find as long as you're feeling confident and having fun hbs seem to respond well. I notice a hb9 - just my type small petite brunet - very good dancer. She seemed to be trying to get my attention with her dancing but I played it cool for a bit moving around the floor. Then each time she came close I started swinging my hips and bumping into her bum with mine in a playful but deliberate way. This feels really natural for me to do as an initial 'pre-opener' (I think I might have made that term up lol). My mate then suggested we should change our dancing style every 5 minutes for a laugh which lead to so very strange dancing!! By then I'd gotten board of 'bum bumping' and decided to give her a few playful spanks to amuse myself as much as anything. I guess she liked being spanked because she started coming up close dancing in front of me - then without thinking about it I grabbed her hips and she started grinding up against me - 30 secs later I pushed her away and followed up with a big spank - then shortly after pulled her back in and we started grinding again - she then turned her head round with a smile and I smiled back - then she pulled away a little or maybe I pushed I can't quite remember - I danced off.

The interaction with this girl happened over maybe a hour or in short bursts with me going off for periods in between. I sort of felt uneasy going after other girls (esp her mates) when I was interested in her because I didn't want it to look like someone who's just after anything in a skirt etc etc going from girl to girl. However, I think In hindsight it would have been fine for me to flirt with other girls etc and if anything it would have given me additional social proof with the hb9 anyway.

I did get into a play fight with another girl at the bar by playfully barging into her to start it off and eventually exclaimed to my mate 'let's get out of here this girl's a trouble maker' which was quite funny when she reacted. However, she wasn't really my type and I find I'm a lot more comfortable with girls I think are hot than those I don't really fancy which is almost counter intuitive but certainly the case for me.

Afterwards my mate said he thought I could have gone a lot further with the Hb9 on the dance floor cos she did seem interested and I was feeling really confident around her. However, what I did do was probably a step ahead of anything I've done in the past so I guess if I can interact like that comfortably from now on I will naturally start to want to push these things further next next time.

Overall, I'm really happy with progress and I'm looking forward to my first Salsa lesson on Monday and hitting the clubs again next weekend to push things forward.

I feel a little bad that I didn't get to hang out much with Jaz / Darood after our initial meeting (I pretty much stayed on the dance floor for most of the night as things were going well on there) as It would have been cool to check out their styles and learn from them n get to know them a bit better but hopefully I'll see some more of them over the coming months.

Key areas I need to improve on
  • Practising some verbal communication / verbal openings as I've been mainly using non-verbal up to now as I feel more comfortable with that
  • Taking my dance floor game to the next level building more connection / escalation and k-closes.
  • Getting to grips with the pushing and pulling thing on the dance floor - maybe it's a simple as it sound or maybe there is more to it that I need to learn.

Any feedback / comments / thoughts / would be appreciated.


Anything is possible. Just do it.

Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans.

Last edited by Mann; 15-08-2010 at 04:17 PM.
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