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-   -   John Doe's Average, Shitty Ass Boring Field Report 1 (https://www.puaforums.co.uk/field-reports/29668-john-does-average-shitty-ass-boring-field-report-1-a.html)

johndoe 15-11-2018 11:33 PM

John Doe's Average, Shitty Ass Boring Field Report 1
Approached twice today, the first time with a chick looking to be in her late twenties. She smiled and said she had a husband, so naturally I asked for her husbands number. No dice. Must try harder for the husbands number in the future.

Second approach was an early twenties HB7 redhead in the shopping centre after work. She was immediately receptive. I made strong eye contact, and was able to million dollar mouthpiece pretty well. Was cocky funny, in state and having a good time. Got her number early on then built rapport for a few minutes after. I slipped up by being too overt by saying, unprompted, that I do this a lot. Lost comfort when it was (at the time) more important than attraction. Then her friend came along who was a guy. He had an intense look in his eyes but was smiling and being polite. Pretty sure this guy is her friendzoned best buddy. I was polite but mainly kept focusing on her for about a minute of convo before leaving.

What went well:

*Good eye contact

*Confident approaches

*Vocal tonality (ended sentences with a downwards pitch. This is charismatic, at least according to the Charisma Myth book).

What can be improved:

* Work on some canned lines

* Pump state before approaching

* Husband number getting

Sticking Point: Vocal Tonality


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