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Rebus 06-03-2010 06:08 PM

Last Night's Report - Digress, London
Last night at 11 'o clock hit Digress just off Regent Street, with a mate who was already a bit worse for wear.

Got served quickly at the bar, although my mate told the fittest bar girl that he loves her, I couldn't figure if he was playing postmodern AFC or really really had had too much to drink so I just came back to her with "oh that's the third time he's said that tonight!" (as I'm still hoping to be served!).

Anyway, walked from the bar and first set in front of me has a gaggle of nice women and just one man who've taken over a booth/table and are drinking by it. Michael Jackson music had started being blasted out, so I just continued walking towards a fit one, put arm round her waist and said in her ear (coz it's quite loud in there) "can you moonwalk?" :hihi:

She's up for the challenge, does some moves, I resisted mimicking as didn't want to be too AFC but after she's done two moonwalks and spins, I did a moonwalk for her.

Anyway, having spent time dancing up close, grinding front 2 front & back 2 back, with this HB 8 a funny thing happens. Her brunette HB 8 tall slim (quiet / good-girl appearance) friend is stirred into action and appears next to me (she must have been sitting on the booth), takes my arm and now I'm dancing with both these good-time girls, doing turns and various shit.

My mate had been trying to hit on one of the other girls in the group. But I now noticed that he'd disappeared on a solo mission.

Anyway, these HBs are both fit, but I put my focus into the tall lass coz her friend is a bit of a social butterfly. However, eek, after roughly 25 minutes or so dancing up close with her, she wants me to buy her a drink. :non: Reading the mood, I didn't think that this would 100% be the best thing to do. I avoid buying drinks unless I have already kissed the girl. However, hmm.. only £4 for the drink she wanted so...

Later, after she finished her drink, I isolated her by suggesting we head to the basement where "the music is better". Take her arm, lead her downstairs.. it's the same music! LOL! Same DJ for both floors of the club! LOL. So anyway, now isolated her and I pull her on the dancefloor. But, shock! A second after pulling her, she demands another drink!!

Holy sh*t! I felt like telling her I barely ever buy a drink for girls I meet the same night, it just isn't done, and to get two drinks out of me in these circumstances is unprecedented! She won't be talked out of this demanding a drink thing, with continuing to dance or hang out instead, we don't need drinks, etc... So I've figured out *her* game and thought, well f*ck it. Left her there and headed off to explore the rest of the club.


Pavel 06-03-2010 06:58 PM

well done . some girls think that can drink for free only because they have nice ass.
well... I have nice ass!!! but nobody buing me a drinks .lol. fuck her .

CovertOperation 06-03-2010 08:05 PM

Is £4 a lot for a drink in London? If a girl in Liverpool asked for a £4 drink she'd be laughed out of the club by the barstaff.

On the subject of buying girls drinks: I've got several female friends who boast to me about how they get nights out for a fiver, because most of the time they can get guys to buy them drinks. Their cycle is precisely the same as this girls was. All they have to do is show interest, and then ask for a drink after 5 minutes. 9 times out of 10, the guy will willingly purchase them whatever they wish. I laugh with these friends, and 2 of them in particular (and who have turned this into a fine art, as both are in LTRs yet both still get free nights out from other guys) about this. After all, they're simply taking advantage of a social precedent.

However, knowing these girls has convinced me: just don't do it. You don't need to do it. It serves no purpose. If I'm with a girlfriend who I've been with for some time, then sure I'll buy her a drink. But some girl I've only just met? Pffft.

Gone are my days of buying new girls drinks. I have all the tools I need - and since lately I've ceased drinking on nights out (I don't respond well to drink. After three pints, I am sleepy and lethargic. I simply don't enjoy being drunk), I don't wish to spend more money on some girl than I do on myself.

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