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nova 16-10-2009 01:57 PM

My First Day Game Thread
As someone who likes the overall idea of day game more than night/bar game (even though I do love going out socialising) I decided it was time I made a concerted and consistent effort to make a proper go of it! I have dabbled here and there, whether it be circumstantial or forcing myself, but now I want to make it so ingrained that it becomes part of my reality. Not only do I like day game for its unpredictable nature, i.e. girls don’t expect you to approach them, but I have a real thing for orientals girls, and when do you see a bar full of them? They are plentiful on the streets of Manchester so this is the forum to chat to them. Getting this skill refined would also open my horizons dramatically as I see more girls I like on the streets than in bars.
So, here it is My First Day Game thread…

Sunday 11th Oct
Sat at home not doing a lot and thought ‘not been out in the day to chat to girls for a while, let’s have a bash!’ So dived on the bus into town, wandered the streets for a bit mulling over approaching and didn’t really take any action, carried on and had a look round the shops then headed in Aldi to see what cheap German beers they had (check out the Spaten, a quality Munich Pilsner!). I then spotted a really hot oriental girl. She was looking at the yoghurts and smoothies with her friend. I dilly dally a tad and think of what to say, ‘should I be direct, should I just ask her something situational about food?’. Her friend moves away from the scene and I decide to go in. I grab her attention and then after a fairly intense pause (thinking of what to say) I tell her I saw her examining the yoghurts and want to know her favourite flavour as I want to get into yoghurts. She then walks me over to the yoghurt section and show me her favourites. She liked strawberry, I decided I liked cherry. Her friend then appears to see what’s going on and I say hi to her.

Unfortunately I let myself run out of things to say and after talking a little more about yoghurts we parted company. It was a bit tense on my part so didn’t let myself flow with situation/conversation and hence the will to eject after my initial ideas ran out of steam.

Thurs 16th Oct
Left work early to head to town before Improv. Decided I would get some new jeans and while at it see if I could see any girls I’d like to approach. Wandered down from Piccadilly station and my head started to fill up with junk… I was thinking too much about if I should open directly or just ask someone for directions etc.! I managed to calm myself down a bit as I knew getting flustered would get me nowhere.

Anyway, I headed into the Arndale and decided to go into the Apple shop as I needed to get myself a new iPod. Great move on my part! There were 2 oriental girls in different parts of the shop and I walked over to one straight away and asked her what her favourite colour iPod is. She responded telling me she liked the orange one. We then chatted a bit about my favourite worst colours and how iPods used to just be white… blah blah blah. I felt ok, more relaxed than the Aldi approach, I let myself flow more. I then transitioned the conversation and asked her where she was from. She told me Taiwan, I asked her about how different it was from Manchester etc, but then thought too much and stopped myself talking and the flow was gone. She walked off slowly and I bailed from the scene.

I think I sometimes worry too much that I shouldn’t ask them ‘interview’ type questions as it may be deemed boring. It’s something that has been recently conditioned into my mind from the writings of Neil Strauss who condemns this type of question. I have tended to agree to a large extent, but now I am thinking - well if the situation is suited to this question, why the f*ck not. It’s about being authentic isn’t it?

I need to allow myself to take these conversations further and push my social boundaries. I am not used to this, my reality needs to take this onboard from now on.

Thanks for reading!

Simply David 16-10-2009 02:42 PM

Dude, get your ass to China town on Saturdays 12 - 2.30pm and take a wing.

Oriental girls are usually more easy to open as culturally they're more open to conversation if your polite. Not that Im a fan of routines but try asking them what they like to do and if you've got any overlaps - bam.

legend 16-10-2009 02:59 PM

I dont know what it is with you and Anthony and Oriental girls lol...! Nova, I dont know if it is going to help BUT I will wing you in your day game when Im free. It might help coming from SE Asia (Im Malaysian). Im not into oriental women whatsoever but happy to wing.

I do believe though that "foreign" oriental girls (especially students) are a lot friendlier, and happy to talk/converse/hang out with local people. But when it comes to "homegrown/westernised" oriental women, I dont think they are as friendly.

Again, let me know if you need a wing..!

Good luck matey!

Syn 16-10-2009 04:36 PM

with regards to avoiding interview questions...

AFC Adams has talked about holding a conversation....

We tend to ask a question....and maybe make a statement..(this is interview style, we're not really contributing to it)

PUA-So whats your favourite colour Ipod?
PuA-do you like micro or fat ipod's...
Chic - fat
PUA - do you like sex?
....you get the idea ;) not a 2way flowing conversation

Instead try #1making a statment #2followed by a question..
PUA-<statment> I love my pink Ipod, it's so funny - people keep asking me if I'm gay ;)....
<question> Whats our favourite colour Ipod...?
Chic-I have a black one - want a green one...but trying to save money at the mo!
<question> So are you gay - I mean pink is a bit funny for a guy...?
PUA <Statement> - so your saying Im to good looking to be straight, confident, outgoing, well dressed and a fab dancer ;)
<Question> So do you always hit on gay dudes?
...you get the idea - it's a natural conversation!
(she will be more likley to follow suit - statment followed by question - its a really easy way to have a free flowing, balanced structure.....)

<also a great chance to throw in a bit of teasing, "OMG black - isnt that a bit racialist...! - ok Ali G humor may not be great advice - but thrrow in some light cocky funny to spice it up a bit>

<Transition> after the opener to introducing yourself (opportunity to kino with eye contact with handshake, do a pinky shake or touch fists to get her laughing and flirting)

<conversation> A bit of convo using statment then question...

Maybe throw in something you are going to do.... <statment> "I boogy to my ipod, practicing salsa at home in front of the mirror in my pants!" <question> "Hey have you ever tried salsa?....."

(if you have the time - a random qualifying question like "do you smoke" with appropriate response a/no? - cool I hate smoking... a/yes - give a little micro eww look and a ahh sound/ shake of head - then carry on with convo)

Get in a thread which will relate to a "date/meet"

closing - look chic, I have to shoot off and catch up with my friends, it's been cool chatting with you - I'm actually going salsa this week - what would be a good way to stay in touch.......

she Pauses/ hesitates? - do you have facebook (99% yes - no blow outs, chics feel safe giving facebook) then as your taking facebook details, write her name down - then type in "07" on your phone and hand it to her...... ala number close ;)

The trick is always go for close in some way - "would be good to hang out as friends - whats a good way to stay in touch....?" try and avoid saying "phone/ number" as it can trigger associations with being picked up by pushy/needy afc's - let her suggest it or just hand her your phone with the 07 - To really cap it off? Give justification (relating to previous thread e.g. salsa - makes her far more likley to give number and not flake)

"Looks it's been really cool chatting - whats a good way to stay in touch, hey if your good ;) you could come along with some friends too salsa some time"

Good luck!

Tom 16-10-2009 05:48 PM

Nicely done sir, it's early days so I wouldn't worry about anything to much, your improv skills will take over once you get used to opening.
Maybe ask anthony about oriental girls?

nova 19-10-2009 05:17 PM

Thanks for the comments chaps!

@ Sync, that puts the 'interview' dilemma nicely into perspective. I needn't worry as I understand how to actually give value to a convsersation rather than sap information from someone for the sake of conversation/attention.

@ Tom, indeed I can see Improv starting to affect my outlook. I am starting understand the purity of how funny/intriguing spontanity and uncontrolled thoughts can be to the viewer/listener, as opposed to stifled tamed sentences.

So then...

Sat 17th Oct
Went to town to have a look around the shops with the intention of slipping in some day game. The first shop I go in is Debenhams. I have a wander round the ground floor (the make-up department) and immediately see 2-3 oriental girls. One of them in particular catches my eye, she has a cool style about her especially her hat which is a wooly Simply Red style cap. I want to tell her. I mull over, skirt around the scene and give up and descend into the basement.

I look at a couple of jumpers and suddenly decide I want to go back and approach the girl. I head back up to the ground floor and luckily she is still there. I go straight over this time and say ‘Excuse me, I couldn’t help noticing you, I think you’ve got a really cool style about you, especially your hat’. She likes this and smiles thanking me. She turns away slightly from me, almost like she isn’t interested. I have noticed this a couple of times (is this nerves on their part/suprise/perhaps caution), but plough on. I then ask her what she is up to and she tells me she’s looking for eyebrow pencil and waiting for an assistant. She strokes her hair and smiles and turns to face me more. Unfortunately the conversation descends fast as she misunderstands my response and thinks I am offering her help. I bail and say ‘nice to meet you’. I need to speak clearer, and slower if dealing with foreign girls, I now see some logistical issues with foreign girls. After this I don’t do any more approaches that day. My enthusiasm is gone.

Sun 18th Oct
I head to Asda at 4.30pm, half an hour left til close! I am there to buy some ingredients for a shepherds pie… nice! I have a look around, one or two girls catch the eye, but some just look like I’d scare them, especially the orientals. Maybe this is just an assumption on my part, similar to that of guys thinking a really hot girl is a bitch. Anyway, I see a cute (white) girl. She is looking at chocolate and picks a bar out. It’s a Green & Blacks dark choc bar. ‘Is that any good?’ I ask. She says yeah, and I try to progress the conversation telling her it’s a friend’s birthday so I am looking for chocolate (it isn’t). She tells me if I like dark chocolate it’s the one to get. I say I do like dark chocolate if it’s good quality. She then smiles and walks off. No attraction on her part.

I am now going to broaden my horizons with the variety of girls I am to approach. I can spend too long looking for one type of girl and waste opportunities with ones that may suite me. I need to experiment more and approach more. I was chatting to Kowalski about the momentum and state that simply isn’t there when day gaming. You’ll suddenly see a girl and really struggle to get the enthusiasm to open your mouth. Approaching at a more frequent rate may conquer this and build up a level of mojo or state.

beedlz 20-10-2009 05:07 PM

Hey Nova,

This is to do with the girl in the hat at Debenhams. She actually showed quite a lot of interest to you by smiling and playing with her hair. If you hadn't of lost it I reckon you would have been in there.

Just one thing I noticed is you actually complimented her. From what I know, this isn't always a good thing. Maybe something a bit more like a NEG is better. Like go up to her and say, "Hey, I wonder if you could help me I'm looking for some eye liner! I don't usually buy, but I'm playing a gig and have been told I need to start wearing it" Or whatever, make it up on the spot. Then neg her about the hat like, "See your wearing an interesting Willy cap, does that bring you attention?"

I dunno just throwing some idea's out there.

Come to think of it I have only once been with an oriental girl and it was awesome, I have to do it again! Good luck my man!

Hustler25 20-10-2009 05:38 PM

Nice work Nova, good to see there's progression in each report things will start coming together soon I'm sure. I've recently started day game myself, it's harder than it sounds! For many this is the epitomy of pick-up and I can see why.

@beedlz I appreciate what you're saying but knowing Nova as well as I do, this is not his style. I personally see no problem in complimenting women even on her looks if this is done genuinely. Compliment her once on it, establish you think she's attractive/cute whatever then move on the interactions. When you give a women a sincere compliment she's going to feel good, women are often led by their emotions so if you can get her feeling good she's going to associate those good feelings with you.

Complimenting women is only bad if it comes through Beta Male behaviour, i.e. dwelling on it too much, becoming over-awed by her beauty or showing subtle signs you find her beauty intimidating.

Also with alot of Oriental women who don't have English as their first language many can struggle with 'Negs' being thrown at them and instead of seeing it as something flirtatious can get confused and not understand the subtleties at play or find it rude.

megazoid25 20-10-2009 08:38 PM

i'm sadly lacking in day game, how can i partake?

Hustler25 20-10-2009 09:11 PM

@megazoid25 'How can I partake?'

Get outside your front door and talk to a stranger...Just a thought.

If your not used to it start off by just asking people for directions or the time to get the momentum going.

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