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Pickup_Truck Pickup_Truck is offline
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Default 22-07-2014, 02:32 PM

My general thoughts on diet are - There are no special tricks. I believe just eat normally. There are some basic rules you can follow such as... Have breakfast before you do anything else in the morning. Porridge is the best thing you can have. No sugar if you can take the boring taste. sweetner if not.

Try to eat small amounts every 2-3 hours.

Include a protein in every meal. Breakfast is always the hardest to get a protein in. No one can be bothered to cook. so protein shakes are good for mornings.

Make sure your meals are balanced, they should be mostly made up of vegetables. You should have some complex carbohydrates e.g. brown rice or sweet potato. and lean protein e.g. chicken, lean beef mince or steak, fish.

Try to eat 1.5 - 2 hours before working out. and eat immediately after

If your goal is weigtloss or to burn fat. I don't like the term weightloss. scales don't really mean anything. In simple terms all you need to do is create a calorie defecit. So just make sure you spend more calories in the day than you take on. You can still eat normally that's the good thing. And still have a cheat MEAL every now and then. I say meal because it is a meal. Not a day. You can pile on a shit load of calories in a day and undo a good weeks worth of work.

Anyway, they are basic rules I can go into a shit load of depth but you would be reading this for hours upon hours. Hopefully they will guide you in the right direction when it comes to diet.

One last thing regarding weight. Don't worry about what the scales look like. If you weighed 20 stone and looked like Vin Diesel would you care what the scales said? I'm 5'7 and weigh 13 stone. According to BMI I am just below Obese. Screw the scales. Tape measure and pictures are the best way to measure progress.
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