Thread: Age insecurity?
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Default 01-06-2018, 09:12 PM

Sex with 18 year olds is overrated - they’re usually inexperienced and sometimes self conscious... that said if it’s on your bucket list then shoot for the moon but don’t forget to enjoy other women and things in life

You are placing limitations on yourself that will effect your thoughts and behaviour such as unnecessary time limits and deadlines. It isn’t such a bad thing when you can control the outcome such as booking a language class or trying improv, but with things out of your control such as sleeping with an 18 yr old, I’d be hesitant to put a limit on it.

Your time isn’t running out either, I’m 32 and recently slept with a 19year old. Honestly you should sleep with a girl for the experience And enjoyment of being with them, not to tick your box mainly because you’ll enjoy it more

I’m not down on pick up, I’m wary of what they are selling. With most pick up videos, the aim is to impress other guys or sell a product. That said there are some materials out there which are more aligned to my values.

I actually have no problem in complimenting strangers, both men and women, however I do this with the sole aim of giving them a compliment on their hat, style, smile, whatever.
PUA is often contrived and you are complimenting them with an ulterior motive to get in their pants rather than genuinely complimenting them - it’s disingenuous.

I tend to head to social places like bars to enjoy the music or dance. Often I’ll enjoy good conversation with people and often there will be somebody with whom there is mutual attraction. The trick is to spot the attraction and act on it.

Try swing dancing. Take a beginners class a few times. You’ll be forced to pair up and dance with girls plus make awkward conversation. Unless you break somebody’s toe, it’ll help you over the initial hump

Be desireless. Be awesome. Be gone
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