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Default 03-01-2011, 07:46 PM

Pick Up trainers and tutors are cashing in on the human condition which runs thus:

If you have a problem, chuck loads of money at the problem and it will be solved.

They are also very clever manipulators of the concept that most people are in fact very stupid, and will believe most things they see on TV and the internet.

This works everywhere in life, not just pick up. The whole point of advertising and marketing is to convince us that we have a problem which needs solving, and that by chucking money at said problem, our lives will be better. The truth is that the vast, vast, vast majority of advertising is bullshit. And actually, much of it is pretty grossly misleading, not least in the world of Pick Up.

For example, I sometimes visit Burger King. Never once have I had a smoking hot perfectly symmetrical burger, complete with crisp glistening lettuce and perfectly chopped equally sized onions thrust at me through a furious wall of flame. Now I've been into Burger King lots, and I'm very sorry, but it's really never like that in there at all. The burger is always slightly tough and slightly over cooked, the mayo is always dribbling down the side of the burger, the lettuce is always soggy and sometimes they forget the onion altogether, and I'm always served by some poor fucker with a skin disease. And there's no fire anywhere to be seen, at least not fire which looks like its supposed to be there.

So, basically, the adverts are lying to me. That's the long and the short of it. They're lying. They're not telling the truth. They're embellishing. They're misleading me. They're wilfully and knowingly telling me things which aren't true. They present their product in a light which is not accurate. They are presenting a brand image which in no way is representative of the reality of entering a Burger King store and eating a Whopper. That is advertising.

This is, broadly, the same way Pick Up works. You are presented with all these amazing claims that what you are being offered is a '100% Guaranteed System' which simply cannot fail, and which will leave you fighting off women with a lengthy stick, and that thousands of guys just like you are already using this system every single night of the week, and it will work for you too as long as you put your credit card details into this little box here and give us a bit of money first.

Its misleading. Its lying. Its bollocks. There is no caveat which says: the way. Just so you know, this is actually quite difficult to grasp. It might take you several months, even years to figure out. You're going to beat yourself up when you get it wrong, you're gonna feel like a bit of a dick from time to time, and this isn't all going to be completely pleasant. But stick at it, and you might just get good. But we can't guarantee anything, obviously.

Nope, there's none of that. There is simply misleading, lying, bollocks, promises of a quick fix solution which everyone is looking for but in fact no-one could actually possibly offer.

The people who train and get paid for it are cunning. They know people are stupid, and that they can manipulate you. I mean, for God's fucking sake, look at that Kesia bird. Is she training guys whilst wearing a sensible but cosy turtle neck jumper? No, she's got her tits wobbling around! She knows exactly what she's doing! She's saying 'Pay me some money, and I'll teach you what to do to get other people with boobs like these'.

But, you know something? She won't. She won't give you a quick fix system. There is no 100% guaranteed line that works every time. There isn't even a PUA anywhere in the world that can approach any girl any time and 100% guarantee that he'll close. But, the myth that such a level of success can be achieved is perpetuated in order that idiot guys continue to throw money at the problem.

For a broad overview of my thoughts about advertisers and the advertising industry, watch this.

......Rant over.

Just get on with it please