Thread: Age insecurity?
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MikeH0ck MikeH0ck is offline
Default Age insecurity? - 31-05-2018, 08:51 PM

Hi I just can't believe I've wasted my life away

I am 28 and 1/2 years old.

I waited until I was 25 to get a girlfriend and then I didn't so I fucked a prostitute and since then I've had a prostitute for 1/2 an hour about every 4 months since that's what I can afford.

This has taught me a lesson though, like Eminem says in "Lose Yourself"

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment
Would you capture it, or just let it slip?
I know now, 12 years later that I WOULD capture it without hesitation.

But it has taken 12 years of missed opportunities for me to realise that.

I feel 18 but I get angry when I'm reminded of how old I am, even though I don't feel it at all.

I wish I spoke to Sinead Dibble in 2008

I want to have sex with 30 different women by the age of 30, this is the only way I can feel better.

Then I can have a son and teach him pickup from an early age so he doesn't have to go what I went through, that is the only way to redeem myself.

Because then every time he has sex it will be like I'm having sex
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