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dan300 dan300 is offline
Default 18-10-2017, 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by Shahanshah View Post
Do you read and gestate on the knowledge? Or do you actively implement the mindsets and habits they offer?

Well I read so much that yes a lot of it will just be taken in as knowledge but I do implement the behaviours and habits that stood out to me or that I know I need to change/work on.

For instance for the past year or more I've been working on my confidence around solid body language and voice tonality. Everyone in the office knows when Dan's around - they'll hear me before they see me. I talk clearly and audibly, from my diaphragm not my throat. Some of them complain/joke that I'm too loud but there are zero fucks given, they can all talk like little mice if they wish. I won't.

I personally read a few books over and over again to ingrain them in my head but I also have a 1% retention rate plus a terrible memory.

I'm unsure what my retention rate is but I'm certainly happier reading than watching TV or something equally as pointless. There's some books I intend to read over again too because I know they are beneficial.

It's impossible to retain absolutely everything a book tells you but most of us will take at least a few important nuggets from each book.

Good books:

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Discourses by Epitectus
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck by Mark Manson
No More Mr.Nice Guy (this has an action plan to improve yourself) by Dr.Robert Glover
Models by Mark Manson (Great dating advice with an action plan)

All great books which have habits and mindsets you can implement.
I managed to download 3 of these ebooks for for free. The 2 I din't get are the Mark Manson ones but I'll get around to it.

You can't win if you don't play
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